Warner Marine Red Demon Pinwheel - In Stock!

Jeremy B.

Active member
We have just received our first shipment of the Warner Marine Red Demon Pinwheel Impellers for the Sicce pumps. This pinwheel is a big upgrade in both air draw and water flow over stock Sicce pinwheels. The Red Demon is an excellent option if you're looking for more performance over the other Sicce pinwheels on the market, but with more reliability than doing a mesh mod.


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Hi, Jeremy This Red pinwheel took my WM K2 cone skimmer from 32-35 SCFH to 42-45 SCFH and I had to open my gate valve to allow for the added water flow. I would say this is the best Sicce pinwheel on the market. Maid my awesome skimmer into a foaming machine.
The WM Red Demon pinwheel will pull more air and push more water than what the ATB purple pinwheel does, given that the venturi is the same when testing both.
There isn't an actual date sheet, only the numbers that Jon used from his venturi. They were posted in WM forum, but it's been taken down. Once the new batch comes in I'll get new numbers posted in thread.
Thanks for the info guys! As soon as we get more of the Red Demon's in stock I will do some side by side comparisons as well and post back here.