Water Blaster 7000


Premium Member
According to Coralvue's specs and website it has a 1.5" intake and a 1.25" output. I ordered all of my plumbing to these specs and low and behold mine has a 1.25" intake and a 1" output. Now I have a wasted money because of their lack of knowledge about their own pumps. I am not mad at you guys I just thought I would pass it along. You guys have always been top notch but I am not real happy about owning union ball valves and union check valves that are useless.
Hi Tim,

I apologize for that, we'll make sure the info gets corrected on our end as well. I am very sorry for the inconvenience.

I do not blame you guys but Coralvue should know better and have the correct information on their website. I sent them an email 4 days ago and I have crickets in return. I posted in the reefcentral sponsor forum and they said they were looking into it but no response yet. You would think they would know about products that they are selling.