Water change routines

I change out 30g on my 125g reef once a month. I'm going to switch n change 15% every 2wks because from what I've gathered people seem to have more success doing WCs more frequently. Orr2003 most people r trying to bring their nitrate levels down n here u r trying to increase them lol Wish I had that luck! :lmao: Ur right most sps owners like to keep nitrates at around 5ppm in order to get better color.
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Most people who say they only change a small amount of water every couple months is somewhat misleading IMO. U forget to mention the fact that ur tank is very well established n it basically takes care of itself. When people r starting new tank n have relatively new setups they should know that WCs r a must n after a while u can cut back because of the amount of life the system has to break down fish poop n left over food. hth anyone with a newly established tank. After a few yrs the population of critters will have exploded n u don't have to worry as much!
500G total water volume with heavy fish load... I change 65G every week...because that's what my mixing tank happens to hold...


very nice changing system. i like the bucket fill pipes. thats neat looking. (i like it more than the plastic/vynal ones.

(it looks like the bricks are stained at the bottom and the black hose in the floor has water around it. was there an accident? or is it just an optical illusion)
very nice changing system. i like the bucket fill pipes. thats neat looking. (i like it more than the plastic/vynal ones.

(it looks like the bricks are stained at the bottom and the black hose in the floor has water around it. was there an accident? or is it just an optical illusion)

Of course there was an accident... in fact there have been several... that's why the floor is painted concrete...:lmao:

In the photo, the floor was dry, so I guess that's an optical delusion... :crazy1:
The hose is actually gray spa-flex that I insert in the jug "filling stations" before filling a 5G jug. There's a separate fill pipe/valve for fresh and salt water. (A back up in case ATO fails, or I need to transport saltwater to another tank.)

I have a roughly 600 gallon tank system with 800 # live rock and the only time I do a water change is when I have an accident and there is water all over my floor I only have 6 fish and the coral don't seem to mind it at all I have plenty of growth