Water Parameters Seahorse and Blenny's


New member
Well my plumbing is almost completely done and then it is time to add the sand and rock. Here is my question i would like to have a mixed tank with two seahorses and some Friendly fish. My question is the water parameters. Here is what I believe would be the best please let me know if i am wrong. My biggest concerns are the Temperature and the Specific Gravity, based on a mixed tank i want it to be safe to all fish. Thanks


Specific Gravity 1.024
Temperature 75
pH 8.1 - 8.4
Alkalinity 8 - 12 dKH
Ammonia (NH3) Undetectable
Nitrite (NO2) Undetectable
Nitrate - Nitrogen (NO3) 0 - 10 ppm
Phosphate (PO4) < 0.2 ppm
Calcium 380 - 450 ppm
Magnesium 1250 - 1350 ppm
Iodine 0.06 - 0.10 ppm
Strontium 8 - 14 ppm
I have kept fish in the cooler seahorse temperature of below 75°. Having done that, I do not recommend keeping seahorses with fish because of the risk of pathogens being passed to the seahorses. Captive bred fish present less risk than wild caught but there is still risk.
Specific gravity of .024 is fine.
IMO, a lot of testing is not really needed when it comes to seahorse specific tanks as they normally get a lot more, and larger, water changes. I test when I set up new tanks, but other than specific gravity and temperature, I don't have any idea of what those levels would be.

If you ARE going to introduce blennies to the tank, be sure they are lowest threat level blennies as some are definitely a no-no.