Water siphoning tool recommendation?


New member
Anyone out there who can recommend a semi-rigid siphoning tool that can keep an L shape?

I've been using vinyl tubing siphon water out for my water changes and it's annoying when the siphoning end stays curled up when trying to reach hard to reach places.
Thanks for the feedback. I was thinking a tool that gives you more flexibility that can also hold its shape for hard to reach areas, something like a giant bendable straw.
Home improvement stores will usually have 4' or 5' lengths of PEX of varying diameters in the plumbing section. It's pretty flexable and if bent will retain it's shape for a period of time. It can also be heated up with a lighter or other source of heat and be bent into a permanent shape so you could have several custom "nozzles" you could stick on the end of a syphon hose to get to those hard to reach places.
Home improvement stores will usually have 4' or 5' lengths of PEX of varying diameters in the plumbing section. It's pretty flexable and if bent will retain it's shape for a period of time. It can also be heated up with a lighter or other source of heat and be bent into a permanent shape so you could have several custom "nozzles" you could stick on the end of a syphon hose to get to those hard to reach places.

awesome! i'll give this a try