Water top off method


New member
I know saltwater do evaporate in a tank. My question is which would be the best or proper way to top off your tank due to evaporation? I hear two different methods:

One, being when water evaporates, not salt, so you top off using fresh water without salt mix (RO/DI water).

Second, is top off with new saltwater.
Yeah, you top off with freshwater. No salt. The salt doesn't evaporate.

I'm not sure where you think you've heard of this other method of topping off with saltwater. That will cause salinity to steadily rise. The only time you would ever do that would be if salinity was low for some other reason and you wanted to raise it.

If you are trying to make salinity go up then topping off with saltwater is the safest way to do it slowly so you don't shock anything.
If you're looking to automate your top off, check out my youtube video on the Tsunami auto top off system, search 'Reefergil" on youtube, let me know what you think. I am also new to the hobby, so looking for advice where I can get it.

One thing I do know, is you do not top off with more saltwater. RO or RODI water only.
I remember someone saying this to me years ago, can't remember where has I have been stationed up and down the east coast. There reasoning was because as the water evaporates some salt does come out that's why you get salt creep, and the skimmer removes some salt. Now if it true or not I still have never replace with saltwater just pure old limewater. Seeing this topic makes me want to measure that guys salinity.
while we are at it, Premium Aquatics is selling that JBJ Auto top off for $69...thats as cheap as I've seen it
while we are at it, Premium Aquatics is selling that JBJ Auto top off for $69...thats as cheap as I've seen it

I've seen people pay that much for it used! That's a really good deal on a VERY solid product. I got the JBJ and its easily one of the best investments I've ever made.
For "Technique" you want to top-off with FW unless you have a specific reason to add SW. There are some instances where you might add "some" SW but day in and day out it's FW. Really you need to do this daily if not more to help minimize any salinity swings within the tank. As mentioned using an ATO(auto Top Off) is by far a great investment in your system.

In regards to brand I've used DIY, some assembly required kits, JBJ and now a Tunze. By far the best of this lot is the Tunze. It's a bit more expensive up front but it's the ONLY one of the lot that I've not had fail and mine is over 3 years old now and still going strong. Also the Tunze comes with everything you need except the water reservoir while the others require you to piece part the components together.
Yes top off with fresh water... otherwise if you add saltwater you will be raising your salinity everytime you top off...
The salt doesn't evaporate. Just the fresh water. If you replace evaporated water with salt water, your salinity will increase past safe levels.
Definitely want to use freshwater to top off or else your fish will get sick and die do to an extremely high salinity level. I would also recommend getting an auto top off if you can. They make it much easier, and also decrease the stress on the fish since you are not dumping in a huge vat of fresh water and making drastic changes to the salinity all at once.
I have the Avast Marine Works version of a top off, and it is awesome as it goes by pressure instead of a float switch.
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topping off with ro/di put a strain on the water in the tank, thinning out the not just the salinity but also every other mineral. the ideal top off would be trace elements ro/di water. But kalk does a great job and keeps from the desaturation of minerals.
Topping off with salt water would be a great idea really if you topped off like 5% a day of total volume while that 5% of tank water volume went down the drain. You would have to do some testing over time as to how much evaporation there is and decrease that amount of salinity in the top off. Like an auto water change daily.


Just make sure if you purchase one it is of top quality so it does not stay on and fill tank with fresh water. That is what happened with mine and destroyed my coral but the fish survived.