Wavebox Placement and questions?


New member
I have a 90 gallon AGA tank with the megaflow overflow off center on the left side. I was looking to get a little wave action going. I currently have 2 6100s. I would like to use the one on the right for making waves, but I'm still not sure if the box is necessary. Is it? I'm only looking for a 3/4" to 1" wave max. If the box is not needed, where is the best placement for the pump? The back wall is not obstructed all the way to the overflow and I'd love to put it as close to the wall as possible to keep from blocking any view or lights.

If the box is necessary, is it okay to place it in the corner of the tank, or does it need to be centered (depth wise front to back)?

I love these Tunze pumps, some of the best money I've spent on my reef.
While it may be possible with the right controller I dont think it would make good use of the pumps. I think a nanowavebox would be a better bet. It is relatively small and inconspicuous and often can be placed even in the corner facing forward unlike the full size wavebox.
Could a regular wavebox be placed in the corner facing forward? Like on the left side between the overflow and side glass?

I'm looking at going to an 8ft or 10ft tank possibly as soon as next summer, so I'd like to keep these on hand, just wanting to make good use of them for now.
No the full size wave boxes need to be placed looking don the length of the tank and good line of sight to be effective. The nanowave boxes work more on displacement which is what the forward facing works in alot of cases.
Then back to the original question. There are no rocks along the back wall, my structure is totally free standing. It's about 28" from the right side glass to the side of the overflow (which is curved, not flat). Is this long enough for the box to work, or will I need the box a few inches off the back wall so that it can push current the length of the tank?
If you use the nano wavebox it will be fine, it could face the length or to the front of the tank and would work in either case. Line of sight is not nearly as important as it is with the full size wavebox. The full size unit utilizes wave harmonics and frequency more to create the wave thus the reason it needs to be able to push water ideally from one end of the tank to the other. The nano uses the water displaced in the box more to create the wave. When faced forwarded the wave may wash slightly higher in one corner than the other but this is more noticeable in cube tanks than rectangular
Actually that video helps a lot to visualize (same tank with the same overflow) and sells me on the nano vs. the larger setup I was considering. Guess I need to start saving (being in college with a reef sucks...).

Since you seem so knowledgeable, what pumps would you recommend to compliment the nano wavebox? Mixed reef with some SPS, LPS, softies, etc.
I would likely go with a pair of 6055s with the 6206 for a mixed reef if not going to be loaded with SPS. Which actually based on the controllers pictured in that video is what is being used there.
Just replying so I keep getting updates if you need anything else, but it looks like Shawn covered everything.
Alright, got 2 modded 6045s; traded for one of my 6100s. The Nano Wavebox is on my Xmas list, but I may jump the gun and wrap an empty box for myself. I just don't know if I can say enough about the quality of these pumps. I was on the fence between this and Ecotech's Vortech pumps, but I'm now planning to put some Tunze pumps in my frag tank as well.