Wavebox tank designs


New member
So I am assembling a 6'x3'x3' 3/4" eurbraced glass tank with the overflow box on the end 3' section. I bought the glass used which is why the overflow is at the end. I priced a new end piece of glass and it is almost as much as what I paid for all the glass plus a steel stand so I am not sure I can change the location.

My question is, if I setup the 1 or 2 waveboxes at the other end of the tank would this work? The overflow weir is about 2" from the top and designed for an external overflow box. I can build the overflow box any dimensions that I want and could have ti hold a large volume of water if req'd. And how high a wave should I expect on 6' tank?
It will work, but the wave will be shorter because it lose energy spilling into the overflow. I would expect a wave with the wavebox and extension of probably 1- 1.5"