Wazzel's mostly SPS 60 Cube

Second treatment done over the weekend. The most impacted piece (garf bonsai) is already starting to improve. Before the first treatment is was fairly tan. It has a purple tint now and looks like it will get back to being purple in time. I did loose my cleaner shrimp, but knew that was a strong possibility when I started. I could not catch the little guy. One treatment left.

While I was doing the water change I was thinking it would be a great time for some tank shots with some top downs. Then I remember I loaned my sister my camera since her camera broke and she needed one for her job. We both shoot Nikon and trade gear back and forth all the time.
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Also got the last SPS frags (a BC Efflo and BC X-mas stag) I am going to put in the tank. I hated doing in while treating for red bugs, but I had ordered them some time ago and they finally shipped (part of a local reef club group order).
How long after a red bug treatment should I wait to add back shrimp? I was thinking a couple of weeks after the last treatment.
After a couple of weeks and maybe one or two WCs,would be ok imho wazzel.

Really glad your corals are coming back to their healthy state:)
Would love to see some pics of the new corals
I do a 10% water change every week so good there. I need to get my camera back from my sister. Not sure if she still needs it for her job now.
Here is a little full tank update. It has been three months since I added the first corals. Still fighting some algae.


Good job wazzel:thumbsup:
Looks great!Like it much more with the MJ out:p

Good luck with the algea.Normally,beeing BB will make things a lot easier.
What kind of actions have you taken in order to fight it?
Good job wazzel:thumbsup:
Looks great!Like it much more with the MJ out:p

Good luck with the algea.Normally,beeing BB will make things a lot easier.
What kind of actions have you taken in order to fight it?

Thanks. I like it better without the MJ too.

Not much honestly. I do not run carbon, GFO or anything else. I added a few more snails and cut my feelings down a little. I am staying on my weekly water changes. It is receding slowly which is fine. I am going to grab a few more snails. I have considered adding some macro algae to the sump since I have room.
My tank is consuming more alk than expected. Anyone else have this issue? I am using Seachem reef advantage for calcium and reef builder for alk. Based on the dosing instruction it should be 2 parts Ca to 1 part alk. I am going to be dosing at 1:1 this week. I have been slowly increasing my dosage, but my alk is not keeping up. With these changes I am not wanting to make a big alk adjustment to keep from getting a spike. I went from 1/2 a tsp to 1 tsp in 1/8 additions, per dose.
Check your clam for growth edges. Clams are notorious alk sponges. And always dose 1:1 to keep levels stable and in equal amounts. As alk is used calcium is almost always used in the same rate.
My clam has obvious growth, as do all my frags. I monitor the levels so I should get up to even after a few more adjustments. I suspect I will start having to increase the Ca also in the not so distant future. I do my testing right before I do my water change, usually Saturday. I adjust dose as necessary for the week at that point.
Only reason I mention the clam is they typically pull way more alk than you would think even when small. I'm up to 40 ml each of B-Ionic 2 part because my maxima and my derasa are pulling so much out.
I appreciate that heads up. In the end I am going to adjust to what the tank needs. I was just surprised at how much more alk than Ca was being used, according to the seachem dosing instructions.
A few pics at 6 months since first coral. The corals are the ones that were first ones in the tank so you can see what kind of growth I am getting.




Thanks, The last three months have been really good. I hope the trend continues. If it does the 9 month (Feb 15) update should be really impressive.

I will be adding a doser this week so that should help keep the Ca and Alk more stable which should give me better growth than what I am getting from 2x a week manual dosing.
How about an almost Xmas update? In your last post, a couple of the corals look a little pale/that they could do with a bit more feeding; have they deepened in colour or still like that? Not criticising, just wanting to get an idea.