Sounds great Matt. Thanks again to everybody for all the offered help.
I spent most of Sunday rebuilding the display we had last year for the table. It looks much nicer this year (I think). I had to rebuild it because the old one got wet/crushed from traveling and didn't look too good anymore.
I got a very limited response for the fuge photos; very disappointed there but not surprised. So I went to the internet and printed out a bunch of samples. I still have time to print them out and add them to the photo album so feel free to send me some. I'm just doing a simple little book of 4x6 photos of sample fuges.
If I get the time I'll also take Brad's fragging photos to make a table stand display to add something else. I'd like to finish up the refugium handout today. I have the paper ready, just need to find time to get to the copier.
I'll also do the flyer for the event and have that ready.
I decided I'm not going to bother with a "who we are" handout this time, I think we have enough stuff already. The event handout should be sufficient for now..provided we have people there to talk it up. I may also add a blurb to the bottom of the fuge handout..if I have the space. If Jon or anybody else would like to do a half sheet on NCPARS to hand out..feel free..I have enough on my plate.
We'll also have some business cards to hand out this time.
That's all for now. We're still missing lights if anybody has something that will go over Carl's 29 let us know.