
Back to the substrate. I decided to skulpt the sand bed into a sand bar. It's pretty different! Pulling the sand away from the glass really inspired me to get creative. I know it won't stay like this. It will settle and the current will sculpt it too. But it's fun to start with something more dramatic than a flat bed.


Here it is with the sand pulled back from the glass. And the kernel of an idea.


I shaped the sandbar and added my scrubbed, dead live rock from v1. Kind of a mild drop off. I love having a deeper, darker area.


A look at the rockscape. I wanted the rocks to climb the hill. I'll be adding new live rock to this shortly, so it will be a little more rocky.


The rocks add shadow. This where the red macros will go.

It should be fun to watch the substrate transform. The sloped sandscape gives me a better view from the couch, and more surface area to plant. It's gonna be cool!
Thanks Dawn! It's kind of weird. It could end up flat. Or something else. We'll see!

I got water in the tank. Maybe not final water - plumbing test water, which is my well water. My main circulation pump is apparently dead. Hopefully I can revive it. Always another project!

I played around with the wave box. I got about a one inch wave at each end. I'd have liked getting closer to two inches, but I'm still fiddling with it. It's an interesting challenge, setting the wave frequency to best match up with my tank length. The water's still quite cloudy, but I could see stuff moving back and forth. It's pretty quiet, but you can hear the rhythmic back and forth of the water. It's hypnotic! It sounds like the sea!

It took me quite a while, but I finally got my canister filter going. I put the sponge blocks and charcoal in it to help clear the water. It's temporarily set up with the return in the tank to circulate the water, while my main pump is offline. Hopefully the water will clear up soon, so I can see what I'm doing in there!
I'll document the process of my root building as I go with pics and videos. I may do that in my RC build thread, and also in the DIY and NANFA forum threads. I have some pics in my NANFA thread of my first attempt, but it is different than my current plan. I was going to rely on spray foam a lot more.

Until then, I'll try and post a better explanation of how I'll do this. I'll focus on one section of the root... I'll use a heat gun to soften and bend the PVC pipe. In my previous attempts at this, I worked fast and had the pipes bend at sharp angles. This time, I'm going to go really slow, so I get the nice curves that I want, using heat to make a subtle bend, and then let it cool, and then heat again, repeating this until I get the shape that I want.

Since roots aren't evenly thick, like PVC, that is where the grout comes in, also, to add texture. But, to get the grout to stick to the pipe, I'm going to wrap the pipe with plaster gauze, to give the grout a rough surface to stick to, other than smooth PVC. If you do a search on the net for Craft Wrap - Plaster Cloth Gauze Bandage, you'll see a similar product to what I purchased from a local hobby store. You get this stuff wet, and it sticks to itself and hardens around the PVC pipe, kind of like when you break a bone and they put you in a cast. You can use more or less to also help with thick and thin areas of the "root" along the pipe. For example, if you use PVC junctions to branch off the pipe, the plaster gauze (and grout) can hide the connection joints, and fill in the Y to make it less of a sharp angle and more natural looking.

After that dries, the grout will add weight, texture, and form to the root, as you would using the clay. You can sculpt it, add wood grain look, etc. For smooth areas to simulate where bark might break away, you could sand it down and glue something smooth there to get that texture.

Drylok, with dye, will serve two purposes. One is to add color, of course, and the other is to seal everything inside the root. Since I won't have any fish that can wear the Drylok away, I won't need epoxy.

Below is a pic of my last attempt, using different types of foam to get texture, etc.
Although it started to take shape, I wasn't happy with it at all. Also, my plan then was to rely more on foam to get the texture that I wanted. But, I want my roots to be removable for tank maintenance, and I don't want them to float. That is why I am changing to the grout method.

Kevin, if you want to get a better result with bending the PVC, fill it with sand before heating. This should ensure that the PVC retains its shape while it is bending, instead of pinching. Let us know how it goes!
Kevin, if you want to get a better result with bending the PVC, fill it with sand before heating. This should ensure that the PVC retains its shape while it is bending, instead of pinching. Let us know how it goes!

Thank you McPuff! I'll definitely do that.
Thanks Kevin. Maybe I'll get lucky with the pump. I hope so!

The new sandscape is a mixed bag. I love how the sand slopes now, but unfortunately a lot of mud got exposed, clouding the water. It cleared a little over night, but it still has a way to go. I do have another bag of sand to cover it, so I should be OK. I just need it to clear a bit so I can see what I'm doing.

In my struggles trying to get my canister working, I disconnected the UV, thinking it may have been the culprit. Later, I figured out the problem was with the canister itself. So hopefully, I can reconnect the UV. I won't always run it, but it's nice to have it ready if needed.

I'm stoked to get the tank running again! Now all I need is good weather in Florida, so SaltySully can collect me some Manatee grass. If I can get seagrass established fairly quickly, their roots should help hold the sandbar together.

I may just stick with the well water I filled the tank with. My wife made a good point when I told her I might replace it with filtered water. She asked why. I told her our well water may have superfluous nutrients that could cause an algae bloom. Then she said, "don't you always get algae anyway?"
She has a good point. Although I purchased an RO/DI filter, I have yet to set it up. I will use it in the future, but for now, I'm just mixing my salt directly into well water. If it grows algae, why wouldn't it will also grow grasses or macros?
Get you a piece of light diffuser / egg crate or something to tie 20" strings of yarn to do you can see how the wave action will affect the grasses movement.
Good idea Sam. I've got egg crate everywhere. Test grass!

I'm digging the ocean motion! Even with my middling, once inch waves, I'm happy. It has a very natural feel to it. And the sound! Close your eyes and you're on a dock.

The new fake wall is functioning properly, and it hasn't floated off. Woo! I was worried that it might amplify the wave box's pump noise, but it doesn't. The water's clearing up. I turned on the heater. I should be able to tidy up tomorrow. I might even be bold and put the salt mix in.

I could end up with a functioning aquarium…
Good idea Sam. I've got egg crate everywhere. Test grass!

I'm digging the ocean motion! Even with my middling, once inch waves, I'm happy. It has a very natural feel to it. And the sound! Close your eyes and you're on a dock.

The new fake wall is functioning properly, and it hasn't floated off. Woo! I was worried that it might amplify the wave box's pump noise, but it doesn't. The water's clearing up. I turned on the heater. I should be able to tidy up tomorrow. I might even be bold and put the salt mix in.

I could end up with a functioning aquarium"¦

That is so cool. Do you think a video would capture the sound? I can hear it in my mind's ear.

I am happy for you that the new fake wall is not doing any of the bad things that you were worried about and its functioning as it was designed to :bounce1:.

So, when do you think you will have your first grasses?
Definitely, Dawn. A video is another good idea. I'll see what I can do.

The new fake wall working properly is a huge relief. It's such a struggle to finish these projects, the thought of failure just gnaws at you. And you just don't know until it's under water.

SaltySully says he should get me some grasses by next week.

I've got a couple of shoal grass plants in my holding tank, and a few macro algae frags. I should be able to get them moved in pretty soon. It won't look like much, but it'll be a start.
Outstanding! Glad everything is going as planned!

The new fake wall working properly is a huge relief. It's such a struggle to finish these projects, the thought of failure just gnaws at you. And you just don't know until it's under water.

You've articulated well my source of procrastination at times on my projects.
Thanks Kevin!

You and I are world class… procrastinators. Although I think you may have pulled ahead!

One thing that helps me is not to think of all the stuff I need to do - I just think of the next single action. Then I do that one thing. Easy. Sometimes I get inspired, and do a second thing. Sometimes I don't, but at least I get a little satisfaction from getting SOMETHING done. Any little bit of progress is progress. No pressure, baby steps, one thing at a time.

My progress has been so slow with v2, I'm now finding it hard to believe that I am pretty much up and running. I keep thinking there is something else to do!
Today's progress.

I tried to make test grass, with twine. It sank. I'll try to come up with something else. I added some sugar sand to cover up the mud a little. I also added salt mix. So the tank is still cloudy. It's not ready for video yet. It's almost ready for life though!

Once I get salinity where I want it, there's no reason I can't start transferring some life over. The FUN PART begins!
Almost there...

Regarding the test grass, how about applying some foam to the tips of the twine? You can just glue some scraps on, if you still have any, or squirt some out of the can on a paper plate, then dip the tips into the foam.
That sounds like a good idea, but I have no foam. I should be able to get the two shoal grasses in. I've almost got salinity to where I want it.