Ooh, I love lush diversity too! Well put. I'm glad to hear your new setup is working well for you, Dawn. You transitioned so smoothly, you didn't miss a beat. Not a single hiccup. Pretty slick!
Ooh, I love lush diversity too! Well put. I'm glad to hear your new setup is working well for you, Dawn. You transitioned so smoothly, you didn't miss a beat. Not a single hiccup. Pretty slick!
I look forward to seeing more pics of the planted tank, and how it develops over time. Obviously your reef section is the star of the show, but I'm especially interested in how this new plant sections works, as a late addition to your system, rather than if it was there from the start. Again, you are paving the way for other reefers to consider similar additions.
I'd give you a little more credit than that. Meticulous planning and flawless execution didn't hurt either!
I'll be interested to see how things change and develop, over time. I've seen a few of these type of systems over the years. They've all disappeared from the forum, so I assume things went downhill. I'd guess they must have struggled with the tight rope aspect of nutrient levels. You seem to have overcome this issue years ago, so I think you'll be able to handle any hiccups. With more plant biomass, things should only get easier.
I look forward to seeing more pics of the planted tank, and how it develops over time. Obviously your reef section is the star of the show, but I'm especially interested in how this new plant sections works, as a late addition to your system, rather than if it was there from the start. Again, you are paving the way for other reefers to consider similar additions.
Me too.
Neil, don't forget to check out Michael's original thread, lots of good info in that one too.
I had not thought about my fuge being more close in volume as my display and how that can set my system apart, other than it should allow me to crowd more fish in the display. That will be interesting to see what that does and how it functions overall.I suspect lower temps will slow plant growth a little. No biggie. I've lowered my temps from 80 to 77 for Codium. Hard to tell if anything slowed down or not.
What sets your system apart from others with refugiums, is that your refugium and your reef display are similar sizes, putting them on more equal footing. This is a big difference. That's also why I'm so curious to see how things develop. Who knows? Not me.
I bet your setup is just going to get better and better. People will notice. Pioneer!
I agree, it should allow you to keep more fish. I'm very curious to see what other benefits come from this new setup. With increased water volume and plant filtration, you may be able to do half as many water changes or even less. As the macros grow, you'll need to export. This is a much more concentrated nutrient export than you'd ever get from water changes.
I'm sure there are many other upsides that will reveal themselves over time. I'll be watching!
https://photos.app.goo.gl/G6mFbWKJwwvVKkeo7I'm just about ready to pull out some shoal grass. Are you ready for some?