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Secret about the yellow-tails (or Azures) is that you really need to put them in at the same time... or in Groups. I ended up with a situation where I had to put 2 into my 300 gallon where there were already 2 established Azures. One got beaten to death (I thought) and the other got beaten up but ended up fine. I nursed the other one back to health and put him in again. Same story... beaten to death?? No, but again had to nurse it back to health. Didn't even try to put him in again. Instead, I put him in the lagoon and that's where he'll stay. I would probably have to try and add 6 or so if I wanted them all to survive as each of those 3 damsels (and a half black) have carved out very specific territories in the tank. The half black even bites and tools or hands that I put in the tank. Thankfully it's tiny but still... not what I expected at all!! They are WAY more polite than the usual a$$hole damsels (domino, 3/4 stripe, etc.) but I am still surprised. The Talbotts is definitely the nicest one and picks on nothing. Even the chromis I have will chase other fish bigger than it once in a while. In short (or is it?), even the nice damsels have a mean streak if the aquarist does not take the proper precautions or just gets unlucky. :0) But I really do like having them in the tank, the situation is stable, and they are really pretty.
Today I visited a LFS and they had 6 yellow tail damsels. These are the damsels with a neon blue body and only the tail is yellow. They were all in the same tank so I bought them all. They had been at the LFS for 3 weeks so I am acclimating them in the first chamber of the sump, rather than a QT. I hope that decision does not haunt me later. I will keep them there a week or so and then move them all together into the display tank.