
A quick photo experiment. I've noticed that my full tank width pics never look focused enough. I tried holding my phone on the back of a chair to help with camera jiggle. I also tried bumping up the resolution from 72 to 150dpi. Lets see how it looks:



This is the previous full tank shot.
Thanks ThePurple12. I agree it looks better. I just want a tighter focus. Oddly, my pics always look better on my computer, then when I upload them they don't look as good on RC.
That's true, Vinny! I'd just like to present better pics to RC, if I can. I just thought of one more thing I can do; turn off the wave box, so the grasses aren't moving.
I don't think raising the resolution to 150 helps at all. My guess is the web site's rez is fixed at 72 dpi. When I compare the images in my software v same image on RC, it looks blurrier. I'll take a look in the photography section.
Ulva Intestinalis Availability?

Ulva Intestinalis Availability?

Anyone have a lead for a source for Ulva Intestinalis (a.k.a. Enteromorpha Intestinalis) that currently actually has it available?

RUSALTY has been out for a while now.

Addictive Reef Keeping is out of stock.

The only other source I've found is Gulf of Maine. Their 50 degree temperature may be a killer, but I've ordered some from them anyway. (If someone in the UK can successfully use their local Intestinalis in an algae scrubber, maybe I can too...)

I've searched, but have found no other sources that currently have it available.

If you're currently growing it in a scrubber, please make me an offer I can't refuse!
Well bummer, radiata, I thought that was the same plant. Scrubber users may be your best bet. As we get into winter, online venders run even lower in stock.
I am thinking the same thing about RC not having as high a resolution. Your pics looks very nice however and the tank is really maturing beautifully. I love the damsels as they really give that punch of color.
Thanks Dawn. I agree. I just don't understand how the photo quality degrades from my computer to RC. I've got more reading to do in the photography section, so hopefully something turns up.

It really boils down to two issues. The quality downgrade when uploaded to RC, and my inability to get a tight focus from around 5-6 feet from the tank. This could be a shortcoming of my phone's camera, but I have gotten pics with excellent focus before.

Thanks for the compliments! I was pretty relieved to find everything doing so well, once I could see it. I love the damsels too. They are precious, living jewels, that are even more cherished, given the quarantine struggle I went through with them.
Your damsels inspire me to add some to my tank. I think yellow tail damsels would be perfect for my tank. I plan to wait till my lfs gets them and then I will let them do the QT.
My LFS had a large school of those in a 180. It was dazzling! Those are supposed to be pretty mellow for damsels. I have no experience with them. I hope they're not too mean for your peaceful group. If things go south, you could banish them to the refugium. Good to have a Plan B just in case.
My LFS had a large school of those in a 180. It was dazzling! Those are supposed to be pretty mellow for damsels. I have no experience with them. I hope they're not too mean for your peaceful group. If things go south, you could banish them to the refugium. Good to have a Plan B just in case.

My thoughts exactly! I have had yellow tails before and they are the mellowist of the damsels I have kept. Another aspect in my favor is that the fish that I have, have been in the tank quite awhile and have the edge as far as home turf. Plus my current fish hang closer to the rockwork and are not as open water swimmers with the exception of the 2 pajama cardinals. Their size alone will protect them.

And like you said, if they go rogue they will be exiled to the fuge to live among the shrimp and seagrass.
My thoughts exactly! I have had yellow tails before and they are the mellowist of the damsels I have kept. Another aspect in my favor is that the fish that I have, have been in the tank quite awhile and have the edge as far as home turf. Plus my current fish hang closer to the rockwork and are not as open water swimmers with the exception of the 2 pajama cardinals. Their size alone will protect them.

And like you said, if they go rogue they will be exiled to the fuge to live among the shrimp and seagrass.

Secret about the yellow-tails (or Azures) is that you really need to put them in at the same time... or in Groups. I ended up with a situation where I had to put 2 into my 300 gallon where there were already 2 established Azures. One got beaten to death (I thought) and the other got beaten up but ended up fine. I nursed the other one back to health and put him in again. Same story... beaten to death?? No, but again had to nurse it back to health. Didn't even try to put him in again. Instead, I put him in the lagoon and that's where he'll stay. I would probably have to try and add 6 or so if I wanted them all to survive as each of those 3 damsels (and a half black) have carved out very specific territories in the tank. The half black even bites and tools or hands that I put in the tank. Thankfully it's tiny but still... not what I expected at all!! They are WAY more polite than the usual a$$hole damsels (domino, 3/4 stripe, etc.) but I am still surprised. The Talbotts is definitely the nicest one and picks on nothing. Even the chromis I have will chase other fish bigger than it once in a while. In short (or is it?), even the nice damsels have a mean streak if the aquarist does not take the proper precautions or just gets unlucky. :0) But I really do like having them in the tank, the situation is stable, and they are really pretty.