
I have no doubt that the tank is going to transition into looking good. Probably when the dust settles from your new sand you will notice improvement already and that is before the macro algae that was growing on your rock has a chance to re-establish itself. Once that happens I think you will be very happy with the results.
Thanks Dawn!

It looks fairly different, with over double the rock volume. I added more sand just to the left of it, to get a similar slope to the way it was, in the beginning. And there are definitely rocks that will need adjustment. But right now, I just want to get it done and live with it for awhile.

I got the crushed coral gravel in. I limited it to just that end of the tank. It's clearing but still a ways to go. I should be able to get pics tomorrow. Did I say that yesterday?
Thanks Dawn!

It looks fairly different, with over double the rock volume. I added more sand just to the left of it, to get a similar slope to the way it was, in the beginning. And there are definitely rocks that will need adjustment. But right now, I just want to get it done and live with it for awhile.

I got the crushed coral gravel in. I limited it to just that end of the tank. It's clearing but still a ways to go. I should be able to get pics tomorrow. Did I say that yesterday?

I am anxious to see the pics and how the new larger rock structure looks. I think personally I will like it. I presume also that this will allow more surface area for macroalgae to grow?

I did not realise that you only planned for the crushed coral to be on the patch reef side. Are you thinking that the crushed coral's size could hinder the seagrass growth?
Yeah, I kind of like it now, but I'll like it more once I've messed around with it. There will be more room to grow macros for sure.

Mostly I was just glad to have a little more sand/gravel to spread around. I have found it's a great refuge for pods. I may add some to the seagrass bed too. Haven't decided. It shouldn't harm the grasses, though I wouldn't use it as the only substrate to grow them in.
Looking forward to pics!!

I'm working on crusing through your old thread. I'm at the part where you were considering a butterflyfish and some zoanthids. Very entertaining!
Thanks ThePurple12! Should have pics some time today.

That's cool you're going through my old thread. Lot's of good stuff in there.

Butterflies and zoanthids? Oh, if I recall, I was exploring the idea of keeping butterflies and a fast-growing coral to keep them well fed, enjoying zoas without them taking over the tank.
I have one remaining Barnacle Blenny, for a total of five fish. I'd really like to build up a decent sized community. But it's not happening in 2020. I am constantly researching possible new fish, so I'll be ready when the time comes.
Yes, prices are ridiculously high these days. Green chromis used to be $5. Now, my LFS is selling them for $30!? I know there must be a reason for it, but still...

What happened to your fish from the previous build?

Actually, don't tell me- no spoilers!! I'm still reading! :D
I have one remaining Barnacle Blenny, for a total of five fish. I'd really like to build up a decent sized community. But it's not happening in 2020. I am constantly researching possible new fish, so I'll be ready when the time comes.

Is there a reason why you are not doing a gramma harem like in version 1? I know they are omnivores but will they decimate the bio-life in the sandbed? I remember them in your prior version and thought that was a super cool idea. I was not a faithful follower back then, ( and actually was a bit intimidated since I was not real knowledgable about macroalgae and even less on seagrass), but for all I know they killed each other in a 'Then there were None' scenario! Oooh sorry, that sounds awful and overly dark. Scratch that, I am sure they lived long productive lives! Ha ha!
Also are there any more barnacle blennies in your future? I also only have 1 left but I would like to get some more.
Kind of a tease, but here's a night pic. I knew I needed to clean the glass before shooting, and the light went out before I finished. So I went ahead and took one with just the blue flood on.

I loved my Royal Gramma harem! I may do it again! I'd been thinking of doing a similar harem of Orchid Dottybacks instead, since they love vertical habitats too, and I love their color. But I worry they're too mean.

My old grammas eventually all died of ICH, after the ill-fated Lookdowns brought it in.
NOOOO! You spoiled it! I had just gotten to the part where you got the lookdowns! :headwallblue:

But seriously, I'm sorry to hear about the royal grammas. That was an awesome group of fish.

The new rockscape is nice. It'll be cool to have more room for macros.
Oh Nooooo! That's a sorry way to repay you to invest so much time. I've reread it myself. It was interesting to compare what I was doing v1 vs v2 at the same time in their development.

The new rockscape is good? There's a fair amount of new sand as well. It certainly brightened up the tank. I'm always surprised by that.
I'm on the fence with adding more barnacle blennies. I'd love to but it breaks my heart when they die. I told myself I was done with them, but you never know…

Oh, and the grammas were good ecosystem members, eating some pods but not wiping them out.
I love the new look! I knew I would. It was definitely worth the effort in my opinion.

I kind of remember you getting the Lookdowns. I would love to see another gramma harem. I really like the colors of dottybacks too but I would be afraid of the aggression. The color on royal gramma is not as intricate as some dottybacks but as a harem among the seagrass and macros they would still be striking with that punch of yellow and fushia.
None of my barnacle blennies did the death spiral so maybe that was something just with that bunch? I know that I am going to get more next year. I will let you know how that goes.
Thanks Dawn. It turned out pretty well. Definitely worth the effort. With the cloudiness making it a start-stop process, the work was spread out over days. It was more mentally daunting than physical. It's hard to 'trash' the tank on purpose. Now that it's clearing up, it's all good. Exciting even!
I got some pics this morning. Enjoy!


Overall view. The patch reef is more robust and taller. I tried to get more slope to the sand, like it was when I first scaped it.


Right end view. I tried to get the rocks to 'crawl' up the slope, to get more verticality. The sand slopes down to nothing, making it 'the deep end'. The lower light, with that hint of blue, adds to the impression of depth.


The Allen's Damsels wasted no time moving back in. I'm not quite happy with Grasilaria placement. I'll keep messing with it.


Note the small red macro on the mangrove trunk. It was growing at the other end of the tank. I thought it might be cool growing here instead, sort of like a ballerina's tutu. I made a hole in the middle, like a doughnut, and slipped it over the leaves at the top.


Another view of the patch reef. It looks like one of the sargassum plants is taking off. You can also see the foundation rocks semi-buried. These are the key to keeping the live rocks from sinking into the sand again.