weight on the floor

My 230 tank ran parallel to the joists so actually only sat on one and once the tank was filled had a terrible lean and wobble when the kids or anyone would walk by the front of it. So I had to install jacks in the crawl space. It has worked like a dream.

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As you can see I also installed 6x6 beams perpendicular to the existing joists. Solid!

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That rating is spread out across the whole floor, not localized as a tank is. An actual tank ends up being upwards of 150 to 200 lbs/sq ft. Putting the tank near an outside wall or near where there is support underneath helps ease the fear and avoid the tank bouncing when people walk near it.

Typically a floor can support 40lbs/sq ft
So a 10x10 room can support....10 x10 = 100 x 40 = 4000lbs
