weird noise from my 6105's


Active member
I bought these used and I was told they were about 2 yrs old. They make this crazy noise. I have taken them apart and didnt see anything wrong.

Please turn volume all the way up to hear it.

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I had the volume up all the way and all i higher is a bubble popping noise, like air trapped in the pump. I would clean them very well, including a full disassembly, taking the prop/magnet assembly off the shaft, if you then reassemble them under water you can get all air out of the pump, otherwise within a few days the air will normally work itself out.
thanks for the info roger. I left both running at 100% to see if that was the case because it did sound like bubble wrap popping. I left them running like that over night and now they are silent.

Thanks again for the great service and and even better product!!!