Wet Sanded Acrylic Front Panel While Fully Running


New member
I took advantage of one of the perks of an Acrylic tank and wet sanded the front panel I had been meaning to do to take care of a few fine scratches I had put into it in its first year of running ......wrapped the inside magnet in 5000 paper and it came out SWEEEEEETTT took almost every fine scratch out on the first pass.......for anyone that wants to know use the 5000 water proof paper and sand the entire panel first vertical then come back over it horizontal .....when you are looking directly at it its hard to tell there is a panel even there it looks like the water is floating in air till you look from an angle and see light reflecting off it....let me know what you think....

<embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf" flashvars="file=http%3A%2F%2Fvid17.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fb70%2Fmrx66699%2FVIDEO0129_zpsf226496a.mp4&title=">
nice...wish it was that easy for me.. i cant seem to get the haze out after using 5k almost like i need to buff it still..
Just out of curiosity.. do you have a stock list of your tank?
Loving your clowns!

13 clowns...30-40 or so wrasses would need to count them ..blue throat trigger..2 lyertail anthias..5 sunburst anthias..blond nasso tang..a couple dwarf angels..hippo tang...bandit angel..fox face ...and I'm sure I forget 1 or 2 ..wrasses are my focus mainly leopards other than my bandit angel who is my fav of the setup ....
sorry did not see this .....I got the paper from a friend but they sell it at autobody shops and boat owners warehouse.....they do not sell high grade paper at hd or lowes ...