I would re think your bc choice... Lets say you come out here to the coast and decide to dive in a full 7mil wetsuit with an aluminum 80 (worst case scenario for my point) As an average you take 10% of your body weight plus 5 lbs, and that is what you start with for you weight belt/ditch pockets. So you are looking at carring 35 lbs of lead. Why do you need 65 lbs of bouyancy? You are neutral/slightly positive (normally float at eye level with normal breath, but due to your size I would assume that you are even more positively buoyant), you're wetsuit is buoyant at the surface, the only thing a bc that big is going to do is slow you down as you swim, make you breath harder, and end your dives faster. I personally dive in a drysuit, double steel 120's, big ol light canister attached to my belt and I have an oversized bc, at 60lbs, I would have more than enough buoyancy with a 50 lb model. If you are looking for a bc for tropic water, you could get away with a much smaller unit, Like an aluminum back plate and a real small set of wings like 20 lbs!