What am I?

I picked this up today and don't have an id. Any help?


Its usually better to ask that question before you buy. How do you know if you'll be able to keep it alive if you don't know its requirements?

I guess that's how LFS's stay in business though.
It's a poci. In a healthy tank, it'll heal. Mine was half dead when I bought it....one of my best pieces now.
has the growth pattern of a birdsnest, but polyps look like a pocci. if i had to guess though i would say birdsnest.
This is a tough one but I believe it to be a Caliendrum(birdsnest).
Damicornis usually has cluster tips while caliendrum will have more singlular points to the tips.


Polyps on birdsnests look to be distinct rows. The polyps in the first OP pic are just a bit to irregular in placement, IMO.
I hope it will heal up. I think its a birdsnest. I got it from a lfs for $25, and the colony is close to 6 inches tall. Is there anything I can do to encourage the healing. All my other sps's are doing great. Thanks
Seriatopora caliendrum. It can't be a Pocillipora, as they always have verrucae (bumps) on their skeleton. This is clearly smooth.

I agree strongly with Wentreefgirl, they must have good circulation, although they seem to prefer moderate light. That said, I have seen them growing right at the water surface, not looking very attractive, but not really suffering. They were growing on the outflow pipe-end in extreme current..