What angels do you guys consider Reef safe

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12478555#post12478555 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by macawmagic
i've got a lamarck in my 75...hasn't done anything bad that I can tell.

Very Nice. Genicanthus are very nice, and supposedly OK. Ill keep in mind. Thanks..
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12478661#post12478661 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by brians4671
how about testing its character in qt?

Maybe some Freudian psycological testing. jusy kidding, dont know.

I guess the thing to keep in mind is, how much are you willing to gamble. We spend a lot of $ on corals, how much of a chance are we willing to take on a fish eating them up.

But what you can do is.... gather as much info as possible in an effort to increase your odds of success.
Have you looked into the a Potters angel (Centropyge potteri)?
I believe they are reef safe and look very nice.
There's no centropyge that's completely reef safe.

Only genichantus. And IMHO they are way to big as adults for a 65.
What about a bellus or a wantanabe? I have a bellus in my 180 and she's a model citizen. She stands her ground but doesn't go after anyone, and never touches the corals.

They are probably too big for a 65, but I've seen small watanabe's around lately. I also vote for a tank upgrade...you have a great excuse!
I have a flameback angel in my tank with softies and he has not touched any of them...I got him from someone else's tank who kept him with softies and he also did fine in his tank.

I imagine its hit or miss with them though. I only took a chance because he was in a tank without incident.
I've got both a C. ferrugatus (rusty angel) and a coral beauty angel, and while they're both fine, I see them pick here and there, but otherwise they don't bother softies, LPS, SPS, or clams. The only softies I have are zoos and kenya trees.

In a 65 I would NOT get a chevron tang, or any tang except maybe a small mimic tang or something (they usually look like they stay small, or die before getting big, because I've only seen small ones). I know someone with a 90 that has a chevron tang, and I feel bad for it in there (though he's got a lot of water volume, and takes care of it). I wouldn't suggest any tang for a 65 to be honest.

All fish are hit or miss for the most part (except for the ones that only eat what you don't want them to eat, like filefish and SPS, there is no question of whether they'll eat polyps or not).
I have a regular Cherub pygmy in my main reef and a pair of watanabes in the frag tank awaiting their addition to the main reef. All have been good so far. No ill behaviour here.
i also have a pygmy cherub angel in my tank. i didnt even know they were such a risk or i wouldnt even have added it. well hes a mean SOB to anything new in the tank but thats another story. as for being reef safe, i NEVER saw him touch any corals only picking on the live rock and sand, they do have some amazing color though under my MHs and t5 atinics. its fins almost glow.....i still want it out though, its too territorial in my 55.