I've got both a C. ferrugatus (rusty angel) and a coral beauty angel, and while they're both fine, I see them pick here and there, but otherwise they don't bother softies, LPS, SPS, or clams. The only softies I have are zoos and kenya trees.
In a 65 I would NOT get a chevron tang, or any tang except maybe a small mimic tang or something (they usually look like they stay small, or die before getting big, because I've only seen small ones). I know someone with a 90 that has a chevron tang, and I feel bad for it in there (though he's got a lot of water volume, and takes care of it). I wouldn't suggest any tang for a 65 to be honest.
All fish are hit or miss for the most part (except for the ones that only eat what you don't want them to eat, like filefish and SPS, there is no question of whether they'll eat polyps or not).