What are your motives here?

The only one real problem in dealing with with public, is the public.
As for the theorized problem with non members, it doesn't seem to me that you eliminate the question of "motives" just because you have been, whats the pc word Im looking for, coerced perhaps, into purchasing a membership to a club for the right to post on a public internet site...and Im Italian, I know a little bit about "coercion". ; )

Let me be clear, I am not a member though I have been in the past. I'll spare everyone the details as to why I am no longer a member, however, I suspect other non members as I do, contribute more than just sales ads. Maybe not in this forum, but hey, its a big site, and there is more than one (*gasp*, I said it...) marine/reef forum on the internet. (I belong to three)
I have no regrets and sleep *very* well at night regarding dealings in this forum, on eBay, Craigs List and other public forums. Honestly, given what I have sold equipment for, I consider it a matter of being a good neighbor posting items here first because, and I can't speak for all, they get sold on this forum *far* cheaper than I could or would sell any where else. Don't get me wrong, Im no power seller but what I have posted have been great deals, some stuff I just give away. If it was free would it be allowed, just a thought...Others, maybe not so much but if people are able to pick up equipment or corals here on the cheap and decide to sell them later or that *same* day whose business is that? Seriously? If the deal is honest and no one lodges a complaint (Which I have seen none in the roughly 4 years I have been on RC) then capitalism is alive and well here on RC.
Quite frankly, given the in-frequency of genuine posts, it would be a quiet place indeed with out some deals stirring the pot. I think neuroslicer hits the nail on the head above, one would definely be looking at fragmenting, from what I can see, is a less than tightly glued together band of people who, I thought, come here to share deals, ideas, think out loud, etc. Its a package deal, this internet thing.

Taken to the extreme, I suppose the site admin should demand anyone selling items on this site must be a member, but then as was stated previously, this isn't eBay and collecting fees, at least for now, does not seem to be the motivation for running this site nor its for sale/trade section. Given that, imo, it shouldn't be a goal of any of the clubs who call this or any other public site home either.

Interestingly enough, someone mentioned getting the club its own forum. I think that would be a wonderful experiment in FAIL. Not trying to be rude, just honest. Seems there is already a site and if a member felt strongly about this or some other topic, perhaps that site would be the place, in private where non member prying eyes couldn't see, to bring up such topics. Perhaps even discrete email. Just saying, what would be the motivation for someone to post such a hot button issue on a public forum when, as a member, one would have access to Administrative email addresses and a whole site dedicated to nothing but 'club business' (Startin' to feel like joining a new Church around here...; ). Doesn't seem to me the 'private site' gets a lot of traffic as it is or perhaps people just don't understand what to use it for other than collecting dues. Again, just some honest pondering.

Now if you will excuse me (non-member inclusive), I am off to read and perhaps post to some other parts of this wonderful, public, internet forum ; )

Can't we all just get along and have some Pi?
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the true bottom line is everybody is different and have the right to post whatever they like w/o any motives needed---this is a forum with the opportunity to barter, learn or just browse---no one should be subject to wondering why they do what they do--last i checked this is a free country--- so i feel if you don't like what you see then dont look--i'm not saying this to be a smart a-----, but it just like censorship, people want to put a ban on everything or they don't want it around them, well guess what, no matter where you go, it's still gonna be there, just in another way

Please take note that my original post that I placed on this was "NOT" suggesting the club needed its own forum but was "quoting" another thread from 2 years ago, as this type of issue comes up every so often.

The entire purpose of my saying anything here is that this is a public forum, and (thank god we live in the good ole USA) and we all have a right to speak our minds here, NOT JUST CLUB MEMBERS. And again I thank reef central for allowing us this privledge.

But regretfully, this is not "the club" and club business is done at the club meetings, not here on this forum, even though it is used as a tool to get club information out to the public. Regretfully many here that are "speaking" are not active "club' members even though they may be active here.

I have dealt with many of the "old members" here that are not now active club members. Bought from Marineflake above and a couple of others that are not club members (and yes Jason I do wish you would get back involved with the club your input is always an asset) I wish many would get back involved in the club itself, we hope to have a great year this year, and could use the "experienced" voice.

Come to the party and re-join, and bring up some ideas, we have some really nice door prizes and gift certificates that will be given away as well as a good feed etc...come on, and join at the party. We need some new input as well as would really welcome some old faces to come back in and join us,we are currently planning a great frag swap for the fall as well.

Also a club newsletter is being sent our (1 time) by mail this week. Please get me your e-mail and we hope to send out an e-mail, club letter on a regular basis.

If you are a previous member send me your e-mail address in a PM or an e-mail at ducklabdad@yahoo.com , and let me know what would lure you back to the club and your resons for leaving if you are not still a member, as the new president, and fairly new to the club, I would like your input. "But would prefer it NOT on this forum:spin2:!!
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We take out of this; what we put into it.

There are bigger things in life to worry about. Trust me.

Have a great day folks! Go play in your tanks.
iam not a club member anymore due to not able to make the meetings but i do enjoy the sight becuse of talking to people i have met in here asking about things i dont know and yes sometimes getting a few things that someone does not need anymore but i may
It's also entirely possible that who-so-ever was being addressed by Cabin hasn't the slightest clue they were the on being addressed.
That said, i'm off to give away some equipment...or am I? Hmmm. What could be my alterior motives in giving away this equipment? The world may never know.