What do I need to add?


New member
Can anyone tell me what is needed to add to have a successful but easy to keep reef tank? I've read elsewhere GARF I think in their bulletproof reef article that all they used was Reef builder Plus, Reef Calcium, and I think Kalk for top off purposes. Any have any oppinions on this?
Honestly, you dot have to dose or add anything to the tank to have a great reef. Normal water changes wil replenish the trace elements that the tank needs.
Theonly time you should start dosing things is if you have alot of demanding corals. Than testfor the elements you think you might need. If you find that you do need to have extra elements added only add the ones you need.
Otherwise I have seen and read about people who never dose anything and have beatiful full tanks. The only thing they add comes with the water changes.
3 main tests to make sure you have Ca, Mag, and alk. Phophate is a good one too but not necessary at first. Always use ro/di water for the tank and don't overfeed. Regular 15% weekly or 30% monthly water changes take care of all the trace elements.