What do I need?


New member
After a agonizingly long decision process (NACNA helped alot) I have finaly decided to go with Profilux for my controller needs. Although not cheapest it is by far the most powerful and from what I have read after some initial setup woes expressed by people the most reliable. So happy day.

I am getting ready to check out on GHL direct and want to make sure that I have everything that I need. I just want to make sure that I have everything to do what I want to do without having to wait for the one part that I didn't order to ship.

I currently have in my cart.
1X GHL Profilux III EX Elite Pack
2X Profilux Simu LED Sunrise-set/Moon/Storm Spot
1X Profilux Dosing Unit 3
1X GHL Vortech Control Module Pre Order

I have a DIY led fixture that runs on 4 meanwell dimable drivers and am really looking forward to putting my potentiometer's into the trash so that I individualy address.

What cables do I need to have to interface with my profilux?

As far as I understand it my simu's dont need one of the 10v circuits. Is that the case?

If there is anything that I other feature that I should look at adding then feel free to fill me in.

Hi Brian,

welcome to the greatest club of them all ;)

You need 2 x EVG-AP-2F driver cards for the meanwells, each one will drive two meanwells, this comes with all cables back to the profilux from the EVG card.

Other than that you look good to go ;)

The port is the as described the 0-10V input for the ProfiLux, the EVG card is the interface between the card and the meanwell. This is important for two reasons

1. it comes with the dedicated wiring plug to go into the back of the profiLux
2. it has ov switching abilities (you wont find this anywhere else) this means when the card senses a 0V state it will switch the 110V line off to the meanwell making the driver competely power dead (safe)
Forgive me if I could please just ask you one more thing as I want to make sure that I understand completely. Your the expert so why not?
So the profilux has a series 10v circuits built in however this dimmer card is necissary because it kills the offending 110v plug a at 0%. I seem to also recall that it protects the p3 in some way(is this true? And if so than the purchase is worth it just to protect my investment).
What is the difference between this PCB sensing the 0% state and then turning off the 110v plug and me programing a shut off following a 0% myself. The only other concern that I have is that my fixture only has one main power connector and I don't want to turn untill the last meanwell is at zero. I'm not expecting that I can't I just want to be sure.

Thanks in advance
After re-reading your response I think i understand a little better the 10v circuits are on the p3 but without the cards there is no way to interface with it (is that right?)

the protection is that the unit comes with the correct wiring harness to plug into the back of the ProfiLux, this eliminates the DIY aspect into the back of the controller.

You are correct the card shuts off the 110V at 0V it will not howevr as suggested turn the 110V off at a higher DC input.

You can use a timer option on the profilux to shut off the meanwell driver at any time and not use the EVG card, however you still need the wiring harness and if you want to go down this route then you need the LBP-AP juntion box. Its not much cheaper so you might as well have the proper PCB interface ;)
After re-reading your response I think i understand a little better the 10v circuits are on the p3 but without the cards there is no way to interface with it (is that right?)

Yes, you have two options

LBF-AP junction box
EVG-AP-2F interface PCB
Im not terribly concerned about price (this is a drop in the hat by comparison) that's not the issue. Just want to make sure I know what's going on. Just to clarify if I set one of the interfaces to 0% ( on the pcb option) it does not necessitate one of the 110v outlets turning off.

I would also like to point out that this conversation happened over a very short amount of time. Talk about good customer service. Thank so much!!!
;) Always happy to help ;)

If using the EVG PCB interface, yes once 0V is detected the 110V line input will be shut off.

if you do not wish for this then go for the standard LBP-AP box and you then can program a timer to shut the lamp off, however you then are utilising precious switchable outlets on your PAB power bar, where as the EVG card allows you to plug the meanwells into any wall socket.
I also agree on the EVG-AP-2F interface PCB.

I am using it now and it works great. You find, you wont be able to go below 22% with the meanwell with 13 string LED. This is meanwell thing, not the profilux and do not go less then 6 LED, meanwell driver has been know to burn the LED with less then 6.

Great part, is you save a socket by going with the EVG-AP-2F interface PCB, great value for the money. Also connect any fans also to the 120v, so they turn off also when the LEDs are not on.