What do I need?


New member
Hey, I'm a college student and I travel during summer so I'll like to keep everything in check with the profilux II. This is what I want for now:

-Check PH
-Check Temperature
-Check salinity
-Auto top-off
-Dosing pumps
-Lights to turn on/off

Do I need the Profilux Beginner or EX? If you guys could tell what I need to start, so I can have an idea of the what I need to spend :D.Thanks!
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I have the Profilux 3 and use it for everything you list below except for monitoring my salinity. I am pretty sure you can monitor salinity with it but I am not 100% sure? I also use it to control my Vortechs.

I wish I would have purchased the Profilux 3 Ex from the beginning. You will eventually adapt the 3 Ex to your needs as you become more familiar with the controller. I started with the Profilux II and then upgraded to the Profilux 3. One of the reasons I wish I would have started with the P3 Ex is for the addition level port. With the regular P3 you get one port where you can run two level sensors. I use it now for ATO and to shut my skimmer off when my water level rises beyond my set point to prevent flooding. If I had one more port I would use it in my overflow to prevent a leak in the event of an drain clog. Highly unlikely with my set up, but an option I would like to have anyway.

There is a PDF file floating around here somewhere that details functionality of all three (PII, P3 and P3 Ex) units. I look for it and if I find it I'll post it here.
If your set on monitoring salinity, you will need an EX. A P2ex will do what you're looking for. If you think you're going to want additional features such as built-in webserver and vortech control, then go for the P3ex.

For dosing pumps, you would need the ghl non-standalone 3 pump assuming you'll be dosing Ca, Alk, and Mg.
Thanks everyone for your replies, in my LFS the profilux II is on sale for a good price and the Profilux III seems to expensive for now. I'm sure I'll buy the expansions in the near future to play more with my profilux and it's settings but for now I only want to keep it kind of simple and want this:

-Check PH
-Check Temperature
-Auto top-off
-Dosing pumps
-Lights to turn on/off

Which components should I get for the ATO and the rest? I want to get a quote for the entire thing :) Thanks again!
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You can find all the pricing at Progressive Reef. To get the ATO, you will need the Water Level Senor Assembly and either a float sensor or an optical sensor.

To better familiarize yourself with how the controller and its settings work, I recommend downloading the latest PLC software and running it on Demo mode.
That is what is so confusing to new customers, what does it come with and what do we need to buy to get the job done or replace what we have.

One of the main reason I have not purchased mine yet. This may be a great controller from what I can read but it seems you do not get much for twice the price of other controllers. The beginner package needs so much to add on to it that someone just starting out gets confused and and ask what they need to do what they need, The question is never directly answered and the new customer could give up in this product.

Pity if it such a great product why is it so hard to buy.
That is what is so confusing to new customers, what does it come with and what do we need to buy to get the job done or replace what we have.

One of the main reason I have not purchased mine yet. This may be a great controller from what I can read but it seems you do not get much for twice the price of other controllers. The beginner package needs so much to add on to it that someone just starting out gets confused and and ask what they need to do what they need, The question is never directly answered and the new customer could give up in this product.

Pity if it such a great product why is it so hard to buy.


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Just drop me a line I am only an email or note on hear away ;)