What do you do with your waste water?


I am not a boy!
I just got my first RO/DI unit, and its making me sick watching all that water go down the drain. 4:1 ratio? C'mon...that friggin sucks. Do any of you save the water and use it for anything else? Cooking? Can you use it to like...fill the washing machine or something? My mom is going to kill me...
Mostly, mine goes down the drain. :(

I do fill a barrel for watering, but I don't water much so that's not a big way to use it. Some people have plumbed toilets and washing machines with it, I have too many other projects to rework my entire home's plumbing.

That is exactly the reason that I don't use a RO/DI unit.

Here in this part of the Netherlands the water is of very good quality, so i think it is useless.
First you take out the Ca, Mg, Kh and the you add it again :hmm5:

There is less then 5 ppm No3 in it, and the chlorine will dissapear overnight.

But again, the water here is very good quality.

To return to your question:
I would not use it to cook in!
The waste water should be full of containment.
Thats why it is waste water ;)
Its just tap water though to start with, which is what we cook with in the first place. Its just separating the stuff that's good for and bad for the tank. Why would it make a difference to cook with it?

I'll ask my mom about the washing machine thing and see how we can work that one out.
I can imagine that if you cook your potatoes in the waste water, they could become stones lol.
RO/DI water contains nothing but pure water.
The aproximately 300 cleaned out components are wasted.

Tap water =
about 7dKh
about 30 ppm Ca
about 5 ppm No3
maybe some heavy metals
and who know what else.

Doesn't improve my appetite when I know that the food is boiled in a high concentration of this mix.

About the washing machine...
I think that you have to descale more often.
That is the reason I use DI water vs. RODI. I have very good water here in Va.Beach, so I just use a large dual 20" canister setup, with carbon and DI resin. The carbon pre-filter gets the chlorine and some other nasties, and then the DI gets the rest. I have no waste water, and get water out of the unit as fast as I put it in.
Yes, there is so little chlorine in the tap water here that it will be vanished in about 24 hours.
(while mixing the water and the salt with a circulation pump)

I's not swimmingpool water :lmao:

Chlorine is also bad for humans, so tap water may only contain a very little ammount of it.
I run my waste tubing thru my attic and have it exit under the eaves. I have a pond in my back yard, with a ceramic toad next to it. The tube exits at his mouth and dumps the water into the pond, which needs to be topped off occasionally in the winter. My plan is to set it up with drippers to water hanging plants on the arbor and those on the ground near it. I have been concerned about back pressure on this, but I was just thinking.... If I had it run into a vessel, like a two liter, that had a bunch of individual hoses coming off it and going to the plants to water they'd all get water with no additional pressure drop. I could hide it in the top of the arbor amongst the vines and wood. The lines could be brown rubber tubing. This means that in the summer, all my plants get watered at least once a week.
Mine goes down the drain but luckily i have a well so I am not paying for it.

Unless you're getting water from your well with a bucket on a rope, you're paying something for it. :)

Granted, it isn't much. But I guess you could go full circle and dump the RODI waste into a ground water source, pond, swale, etc. Eventually you'd just pump it up again.

my. Is runing to a very water loving palm it 's a exotic one since also collet palms it's a red sealing wax palm or also know by red lipstick palm just in case anyone was wondering :rollface::thumbsup:
i fill my swimming pools, koi ponds, hot tubs, river that runs through my entryway.... yeah right, just kidding, mines down the drain.....
I drain mine into the washing machine to. We do about a load a day, so there is always clothes waiting to be done. I couldn't see wasting all that water either.
That is the reason I use DI water vs. RODI. I have very good water here in Va.Beach, so I just use a large dual 20" canister setup, with carbon and DI resin. The carbon pre-filter gets the chlorine and some other nasties, and then the DI gets the rest. I have no waste water, and get water out of the unit as fast as I put it in.

Im comming to your house for water from now on lol...I live in Chesapeake