What do you feed your corals

Twice a week.. (goniopower or reef chilli) and fauna marine medium pellet for LPS..
some time i feed frozen food like mysis shrimp.. i have seen some corals like bubble coral and candy cane catching the flake fish food as well..

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I was feeding mine mysis every day and noticed their color faded. After doing research I found out that if they stop depending on their algae for growth their colors won't be as vibrant. I haven't fed them in almost a week, but will be going to once or twice a week mostly because I like doing so.

I rotate between reef roids, mysis and brine.

I have acans, blastos, Duncan's, leptostraea, frogspawn and candy cane, as well as some zoas, acros and Montis

For the zoas, acros and montis I'll target with reef roids and then I'll place a shrimp or two in each polyp of the LPS.

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Good info. I have wondered if lighting is not perfect perhaps feeding will be needed.
Mine get light everyday for 12 hours. I feed my tank fresh hatched brine, rotifers along with some different frozen cube stuff. Every Sunday night right before lights out ( like right now) They get a feast. Oyster and Phyto feast. Makes a cloudy mess. They open up their little mouths extra wide for this.
I run a mixed reef with all kinds of coral. SPS, LPS & Softies. I’ve got a LOT of fish in my system and they are very well fed every day. I feed mysis, pellets, nori, LRS, Roggers Reef Food and other frozen stuff as well as flakes. I mix different foods daily. My system has plenty of nutrients and fish food as well as fish waste to feed the corals. As such, I don’t and never have had to feed my corals and they all thrive.
I don’t feed often anymore. I used to feed because my nutrients were so low. I have finally got my no3 to register around 1 ppm & po4 to register anything other then 0. I notice the corals are looking better from having a little nutrients in the tank then when I used to feed them. I also have a mixed reef with lps & sps. I have never noticed the sps eat anything I would try to feed them. LPS on the other hand would eat everything I would throw at them. They love the meatier foods like mysis, rods & reef frenzy. They also eat any dry foods I would feed them which is mainly reef foods & reef chili. Heck, they even eat pellets.
How do you guys keep the fish from stealing the food you place on the corals?

I feed after the light turns off and all the fish has gone to sleep.. only my skunk cleaner shrimp used to steal the coral food from its mouth.. i no longer have the shrimp [emoji4]

Check youtube.. i have heard about using the coke bottles to isolate corals from other inverts..

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if youre running a reefbreeders youll need to feed

Based on what? They grow my corals just fine.

I spot feed mysis to some of my LPS corals on occasion. Many days I broadcast feed quite heavily so corals get some that way as well. I continually seed the tank copepods too from culture tanks that I keep for them, these pods are fed on Tetraselmis phytoplankton. I also feed the tank nanochloropsis phytoplankton as well. Both from cultures I keep. I plan to add a rotifer culture as well when I have some free time, and use the nano to feed that, and broadcast feed the tank live rotis.