What do you feed your tank?

Corpus Callosum

Premium Member
Dry foods:

New Life Spectrum Marine pellets (small)
Omega One Kelp Flakes
Ocean Nutrition Prime Reef flakes

Frozen foods:
Hakari Mysis shrimp

Live foods:
Tigger pods culture
Alot of green and browish stuff that gets scraped off the glass and blown off the rocks! The filter-feeders love it! :lol:
Actually Much the same as you, cyclopese, hikari mysis, prime reef flake. And the occasianal swig of live baby brine shrimp just for variety (i take the extra from work instead of pouring it down the drain)
fishtown has the flakes (they were pretty fresh also), pets of new hyde park had it,

but for you go see if country critters has it as far as local shops.

call up les from fishy inc and see what he has/can get.

the omega one kelp flakes are so green in smell they beat any spirulina flakes ive tried as far as fish's appetite goes.
I squirt a blenderized mixture of mysis shrimp and formula one into the crevices of my aquarium once every other month. The idea is that they micro critters will get that food, be fruitful and multiply, and feed the higher organisms, etc. I was originally worried about the fish (2 clowns and a gramma), but they lay eggs regularly (the clowns) and are very, very fat. Thus, I presume it works fine.
