What Frags Are You Planning On Bringing To The January Frag Swap???

Maybe I'm missing something here, and often I do. But what would be the down side of incorporating as many open minded ideas as to the format of this meeting as makes sense and then do an evaluation after the fact to see what worked, what didn't as well as what the members liked and didn't?? Then a format could be developed for the next function that would be based a least somewhat on objective vs. subjective information.

I for one would be traveling about 3 1/2 hours to attend and I wouldn't be apposed to outside sellers being there just for the purpose of added selection to make drive time investment worth it. I think the buyers would determine the pricing. If they don't think its a good value they'll pass.

An idea to bounce off the wall if Club income is a concern. What about a flat table fee for sellers that are not members?

How bout this for an idea. If you invite boston reefers or whoever (including sponsers) the only requisite is that they donate a frag for an auction with the benefits going to SWAM. That way everyone can attend and the more peopel that attend the more money SWAM will make. For instance you could invite all of the LFS to have tables there, which is free advertising for them and a frag for the auction for you. That is also a good way to go about finding sponsors for your website by seeing who is intersted in expanding their business. Just an idea :)
I see everyone points and pretty much understand, but I think we are over thinking it just a little. Since we haven't done this before, I think we should just go with it an see what happens. Then afterwards discuss what we liked and disliked and fix things from there. Either way its going to be a learning experiance and most likely lots of fun!
Megan :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8776062#post8776062 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by T1adler

I for one would be traveling about 3 1/2 hours to attend and I wouldn't be apposed to outside sellers being there just for the purpose of added selection to make drive time investment worth it. I think the buyers would determine the pricing. If they don't think its a good value they'll pass.
That's awesome you willing to drive that distance, but, are you willing to compete with people from out of state, and if you don't sell/trade your frags, are you willing to drive them back up or give them away? Could you have a better chance to sell/trade your stuff without overt competetion, probably yes.
No offense, but this hobby is tiny in Portland and probably microscopic in New Sweden- there's probably not many people in NS you can trade or sell to. Hence, that may be why this RC forum seems more like a for sale forum for Maine, and only a handful of "real" reef stuff/questions/DIY... The club is inviting outside competetion amongst its members, not just against me , but any SWAM member who wants to trade/sell. IMO, the club should be grown from within first.
In regards to a separate SWAM forum - Excellent!
Don't think of this as a competiton ( with BRS), look at it as more options and opportunities.
I think a donation Jar is a good idea.
Competition is a poor term, it just undercuts the club. Welcome everybody, but the growth of the club should be a primary concern. Tapping non members to sell livestock at a meeting of members works against the clubs purpose as a collection of reefkeepers in Maine.
I have gone to many frag swaps at BRS. The swaps are usually held at the end of a meeting or just before. You can sell or swap. There are people that farm corals and just sell them.They hold an auction once or twice a year and many of the people that are involved in swaps donate to the club. They have gone to Long Island meeting and swapped corals. This creates less of an issue to the club. Why make rules you do not need. The price is low because you either prearrange purchase or you are not selling at retail.

This is the buyer beware section

1. Corals have pests
flatworm, predatory snails and aiptasia are annoyances. Please inspect, treat and quarantine before putting in the tank.

Acro flatworms and redbugs are serious issues do not put in your tank if you have sps.

2. know the price or value of a coral and if you pay less than
3/4 retail you got a deal.

3. Any coral over $50 had better be nice or rare.
It also could be popular. You will pay to much for a coral.
I have on several occasions
Ask anyone that bought an blue zoo or an popular acan.

As they say on BRS all the time
Lighten up 'it's just a freakin' fish club'
I have to agree with the "lighten up". I'm getting stressed out reading this whole thread, which BTW I thought was about what we're bringing. I would like to make a list of a couple things I could frag and see how many to bring. I'm not a paid member yet and it wouldn't bother me to pay to get in to help raise money for the club.
I am excited that some people from BRS might come. I'd like to see more selection, more people to chat with and get to know. I've been to every meet since last February and I've never seen any competition at the swaps or auctions. If anything it is a lack of frags because our number of long term reefers is low.

I hope any BRS members that might read this thread still feel welcome. It is going to be a long trip in the worst driving month of the year and I really hope some show up.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8779388#post8779388 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Naturebatslast
That's awesome you willing to drive that distance, but, are you willing to compete with people from out of state, and if you don't sell/trade your frags, are you willing to drive them back up or give them away? Could you have a better chance to sell/trade your stuff without overt competetion, probably yes.
No offense, but this hobby is tiny in Portland and probably microscopic in New Sweden- there's probably not many people in NS you can trade or sell to. Hence, that may be why this RC forum seems more like a for sale forum for Maine, and only a handful of "real" reef stuff/questions/DIY... The club is inviting outside competetion amongst its members, not just against me , but any SWAM member who wants to trade/sell. IMO, the club should be grown from within first.
In regards to a separate SWAM forum - Excellent!

I only used the word competetion because that is how you were explaining it.
In the past the club has followed an auction format where 10% of all sales go to the club. Frags go to the highest bidder. After all things are only worth what people are willing to pay.

It seems that most people did not set a lower limit and were really just passing things on really cheap that had overgrown an area in there tank. In my oppinion these events are a method of growing the club and raising awareness that corals can be propegated rather than a method to make money from coral. With that said it never hurts to put a bit of change into ones pocket since it is an expensive hobby.

I have no problem with setting price limts if one wants. This is up to the person who brings the corals, but folks often do not want to bring them back.

The one downside of the frag swap as mike mentioned is that you don't get to inspect the purchase tank for visible (or worse invible pests). While you can save a lot on the purchases price, please take extra care to QT frags from swaps/auctions since this important part of the purchaing process is not possible.

It is really up to whoever hosts the swap/auction or whatever you desire calling it to decide about club donations.
Just for your information. SWAM started out with some local members of BRS wanting to start a club closer to home. Most still maintain membership in BRS. One of the first speakers I heard was Gregg Hiller who is a member of BRS. And.... imho..... a little friendly competition never hurt anyone. Just my 2 cents worth. Sue
I'm really looking forward to the swap and hope lots of people from wherever show up. It is one of the most fun activities of the year and all are welcome!
Hey guys!

<grin> I'm here, I've just been reading and deciding what to say...

I think one of the miscommunications here is that we certainly are not asking BRS to come up just to sell their frags. We have invited them because A.) They have some GREAT corals I'd like a frag of, B.) I like all the members I have met so far and would like to network more, and C) I'd like to have more than 10 people (I'm hoping 30-50) at the swap so that there is more of a variety.

Networking hobbyists always pays off for me- there is at least two BRS members I can think of offhand that have hooked me up via Thermos for some rare strains I needed on a trade basis, no cash changed hands. That imo is worth gold, no hole in my feet involved... LOL The PPE I got from Cobraz go for $50 a head- no way I could have bought them.

Frankly, I would have loved to just see everyone swap and network with each other...Originally, I think the concern was that some folks might not have anything to trade for something they want to have- and thus the issue of selling was raised. As we have a few people with new tanks, I think that is a very valid concern, and I have nothing against cash changing hands.

If we would like to have an auction at the end with a venue tax, then that is fine. We can set it at 10%. (Last time, I just traded folks out of my own tank for whatever was left over... but this swap will likely be too big for that.)

As for membership within the state of Maine... this swap should be advetised at all LFS that will let us. That should drive our membership up... and THOSE are the folks I would like to have a cover charge for- say, $2-5. The more people and corals we can get to this swap, the more likely it is that these folks will want to join the club.

Sorry for any my fluster, I just want to see the club grow and I want the club to do well. I also really want to see the club grow from within.
That's awesome you willing to drive that distance, but, are you willing to compete with people from out of state, and if you don't sell/trade your frags, are you willing to drive them back up or give them away? Could you have a better chance to sell/trade your stuff without overt competetion, probably yes.

I'm driving 3 1/2 hours to have Fun not to make a buck. If I wanted to do that I would stay local & seal a deal. My tank is over flowing with frags and I need to thin things out. I hate to think of how much thinned out xena has gone to waste in the last few months. Competition? I love it. I guess I'm a free market kind of person.

I plan on having a good time no matter what the venue.:rollface:

Hey T1 if I make it to the meeting can I get some of that Xenia?
can be mounted or not.. won't make difference to me...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8797256#post8797256 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Naturebatslast
Sorry for any my fluster, I just want to see the club grow and I want the club to do well. I also really want to see the club grow from within.

Hey hun!

No problem, no affront or issues either :) I just like to address all the good points that are brought up. Sometimes it takes me a day or two to put it into a concise manner... I have yet to meet a member I can't get along with.

Dad, I'll bring along some extra xenia then to cover you incase he sells out or trades all that he brings. Anyone looking for anything they don't see listed? I can add them to the list I am working out...

BTW, Matt, that Hulk is doing really well- I'll bring ya a pic to the meet... I plan on bringing a few hard to find zoo plugs to the meet as well for trading stock.
