What happened to this site

Coronavirus and boredom brings me back...I remember when this forum was packed...And there was always somebody getting banned every day..lol
As some have stated, I made some of my best friends on RC. Most are from the old East TN group where I started the hobby down in Knoxville. Since I've moved to IL, a career change, and 4 kids later, my interest in the hobby has waxed and waned. I'm down to a 120 with 4 fish, a couple clams, and a few coral.

This is an excellent place for a community, IMO far superior to FB. That said, I had a lot more time in my late 20's than I do in my early 40's. I barely have time for the hobby, let alone a Club. It's nice to remember the glory days though.
One nice thing about the Shelter in Place Order, my Sump received a much needed overhaul. ;)
Wow! I think this lock down really got everyone to sign back in. lol Nice to see a bunch of old tymers on here. :)
Hi Randy
Hope all is well. Just happened to get on RC for the first time in a while.
I'm doing a sump over haul , hope all is well.
I know why I haven't done it in awhile, it's a pita.
Most guys that used to be here seem to have gotten out, moved, or had changes taking their time away from reefing.
I guess the virus is good at getting some folks back to RC.
Hi Randy
Hope all is well. Just happened to get on RC for the first time in a while.
I'm doing a sump over haul , hope all is well.
I know why I haven't done it in awhile, it's a pita.
Most guys that used to be here seem to have gotten out, moved, or had changes taking their time away from reefing.
I guess the virus is good at getting some folks back to RC.

Good to "see" ya! I'll be driving by you here in the next few days. I bought a 2500HD out in the Quad Cities, and I need to go pick it up. I've only left the farm 4 times for provisions in the past 6-8 weeks since the shutdown began.

Tank news: I'm considering going back to MH's and ditching my LED's. I could probably get away with adding a 3rd Mitras, but I kinda miss my Energy Hogs and I really didn't notice much of a difference in my Electricity Bills since going LED. I've had them probably about the past year, maybe even 2 years by now. Perhaps I'll modify my canopy whenever I replace my ancient T5 bulbs... :hmm5:

Time to get rid of a lot of my hoarding reef supplies too. I need to sort through the basement and figure out what is good and what is not. I had a flood last year and it fried my CaRx pump as well as the MasterFlex driving it.
I lost a lot of other equipment too. I hooked up some old Loc Line to a tank return and it snapped/shattered because it was all dry rotted. :lol:
Feel free stop if you choose. Things a hair messy with messing with things, but tank still pretty viable.

Totally missed this. I ended up having to pick up a dresser for my wife in Tonica on my way home anyhow. I looked for your number and couldn't find it. Shoot me a text and we'll connect whenever I get back out your way.