what happened??


New member
I bought a medium sized finger leather yesterday that looked healthy as healthy can look. I placed it in my 20 reef at the top when I got home. By the time I went to bed the little hair like fuzzy things were not out yet. I left for work this morning before sun up. Got home at sun down and my leather has not yet shown the little hair like things and heres the weird part... it got a little smaller and the tips of all the fingers are a purple grey color. What happened? The only thing I can guess is the light but I only have 32 watt PC.

:confused: :confused: :confused:
It's 'annoyed.' This may mean it's downstream from something it doesn't like, or close to something it can remotely smell that it doesn't like, or it's a rainy day at the full moon---ie, sometimes they just get annoyed and you never figure why. Usually, however, since they have minimal volition, something irritated them. Your alkalinity could be 'off' from what it wants. That's a common reason. Other parameters being a little 'out' are a possibility. They're actually a pretty good bellweather species, ie, when they're annoyed it tells you a particular thing is going on in your tank...as reliable as a chemical test.
it should come around in the next day or so. if not you may have a problem with the water, or to much flow, or not enough flow.