This January in Bonaire. I was taking pictures of an anemone when a very large green moray snuck up on me from behind. It came within a few inches of my backside before one of my group alerted me that it was there. I have it on video. Will post it later.
Daniel. :celeb1:
When my father in law passed his OWD cert in Egypt, I took him on our 1st official dive together, we came upon a bait ball and finned through the centre of it, to be greeted by a very large whale shark at the other side with its mouth wide open. I seem to remember shouting "oh sh17" through my regulator and changing direction pretty quickly. Hard to say who was the most startled LoL. My father in law still tell people about the day we came face to face with a whale shark LoL
Not sure I can pick just one. In 2013 due to sinus issues I had to snorkel instead of diving and had 2 Eagle Rays come up and swim around me for a while in Roatan. The diving crew came back and were down cause they hadnt seen anything cool. I later told me wife what I saw as she was diving. Swam with the Bull sharks off Playa this year. Remember a friend screaming the first time she went diving when a peacock flounder came out of the sand right in front of her. Several others as well.
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