What is this?


Active member
I was messing around in my sump and I found something odd. There were a bunch of red dots all over my chaeto.


I have a monoprice USB microscope so I pulled a string of chaeto out and took a closer look.

60x magnification


250x magnifcation


It appears to be some sort of egg sack. One fell off of the chaeto mostly intact and I got some pretty good images of it.

60x magnification


250x magnification


So, any ideas what this could be? Am I completely off base thinking it's an egg sack of some sort?
At this point I only see these in my sump. Is this something to be worried about or a natural critter?

they are in your display. There is no way they are ONLY in your sump. With that said you have a TON of reading to do. Read and read more :(

I have little experience with this otherwise i would help. I have only read some articles long ago enough to scare me into quarantine corals and fish