What is your stock list in your large Reef Tank?


Starting to stock my 330g reef tank. But curious what others stock.

Would love to see what you stock in your tank, and how big.

Mines 330g, 500g total volume.

GoldFlake Angel
Cheveron Tang
Purple Tang
4 snowflake clowns
2 platinum clowns
mystery wrasse
So far 80 fish and will probably reach a 100 soon :)
Big fish
Achilles tang
Purple tang
Yellow tang
Few hogfish
Few clown
Few goby
Few dwarf angel
Few flasher wrasse
Lots of wrasse
Lots of fairy wrasse

And soon lots of anthias to make it a over a hundred or so! Lol
Recent fish list:

1-yellow belly blue
White tail
Hybrid mimic

**22 tangs**

2-maroon clowns
4-black percs
3-tomato clowns
Copperband butterfly
Mystery wrasse
Cleaner wrasse
Whip Fin Fairy wrasse
Sixline wrasse
10- coris wrasse
Lawnmower blenny
2-blue damsels
2-black & white damsels
Fiji damsel
Stigmata blenny
Midas blenny
Tribal blenny
Starry blenny
Kung pow damsel
Humu trigger
Queen angel
Pencil wrasse
Majestic foxface
Red hawkfish

71 total fish in a 750... (I have recently sold many of my XXL tangs to a 16,000 commercial tank new here in Salt Lake City, UT and replaced them with some smaller ones)

240 gal, 1 side viewable, mixed reef 24 fish total
5 yellow
1 Hippo
1 Clown
2 Blacker Ice
2 Black Percula
1 Ocellaris
1 Sweet lips
1 Juvenile Emperor
Dwarf Angles:
1 Flame
1 Coral Beauty
2 Talbot
1 Blue/Green Chromis
1 Blue
6 Line wrasse
1 Royal Gramma
1 Mandarin Goby
1 Banggai Cardinal
Yellow Tangs 9
Blue Tangs 2
Purple Tang 1
Chevron Tang 1
Achilles 1
Bellus Angel 3
Golden Angel 2
Goldflake Angel 1
Multicolor Angel 1
Bangai (1 Holding Eggs) 6
Blue 2
Reef Chrom 3
Starki 2
Yellow Chrom 2
stegassi 1
Starcki 2
Purple/Yel 1
Kupang 4
Royal Gramma 2
Skunk Psued 1
Purple Pseud 1
Bicolor Pseudo 1
Lubbocks wrasse 2
Blue velvet wrasse 2
Yellow Coris 1
Springeri 2
Frimandi (1 Wild Pair) 4
Mandarin Green 1
Mandarin Red 1
Mandarin Spotted 1
Pipefish (Dragon Face) 2
Pipefish (Banded)
Percula 4
Blk Perc 2
Lawmower 1
Klauswitz Blenny 1
TailSpot Bln 2
Bicolor blenny 1
Venustus Angel 1
3/4" Flame Angel 1
African Flame Back Angel 2
Dispar Anthias -6

Dave B
180 Gallon

Powder Blue Tang
Yellow Tang
Flame Angel
Coral Beauty Angel
Green Chromis x2
False percs x2
Bangaii Cardinals x2
Lyretail Anthias x3
Purple Firefish
ORA Orchid Dottyback
Blue Damsel
Yellow Wrasse
Mccoskers Flasher Wrasse
Exquisite Fairy Wrasse
Scott's Fairy Wrasse
Solar Fairy Wrasse
Yellow Fin Fairy Wrasse
Lubbocks Fairy Wrasse
Wow, look at that explosion of color. I love it.

Amazing looking color in the tank! :D

One question I have is how much luck are you guys having with the yellow tangs in groups. I've heard ppl having issues with many in even larger tanks.
I can't claim to know why or how but I can tell you Ive had no agression with my 5 yellow in my 240 gal or with my 4 yellows and one purple in our old 90gal. We do feed a lot. I know that can't hurt.
My 300g has:

3 yellow tangs
1 regal tang
1 red sea sailfin (juvenile)
1 blue-face angel
1 green chromis
pair of onyx clowns
2 pajama cardinals
2 lubbock's wrasses
1 yellow coris wrasse
1 bicolor blenny
1 yellow watchman goby
1 dusky jawfish

I have a lavender tang in QT :)
2 large Yellow Tangs
2 large Blue Hippo Tangs
1 med Sailfin Tang
1 med Flame Angel
2 green Clown Gobies
1 small(2.5") Flounder(yes, Flounder!) We lose some small crabs and snails,but the fish is REALLY cool!
I'm looking for some cool colorful fish for my 220. I just added 2 blue hippo tangs, and am gonna add yellow ones, just last
Here is a full tank shot taken earlier today. Sorry for the poor photo skills, plus I can't get far enough back to take a full tank shot so I have to stitch two photos together. Some of the yellow tangs got in both shots, but there are only 9.



Dave B
1 Achilles Tang 5"
1 Regal Tang 7"
1 Foxface Magnifica 5"
1 Copperband Butterfly 4"
1 Royal Gramma 3"
3 Neon Goby 1"

The Regal tang is easily half the fish biomass in my tank.
About 190 gallon:

5 Apogon leptacanthus
8 Pseudanthias bartlettorum
1 Serranocirrhites latus
2 Liopropoma carmabi
2 Paracentropyge multifasciata
1 Chaetodontoplus septentrionalis
1 Pygoplites diacanthus
2 Chromis cyanea
1 Oxymonacanthus longirostris
1 Doryramphus janssi
2 Amphiprion ocellaris
2 Zebrasoma flavescens
2 Z. gemmatum

More to come... :)
Feel a little out of place here with my fish only, but since I frequent this section a lot.
I am close to converting the tank to reef.. working on my 34g reef first.


achilles x2
blue tang
true personifer
false personifer
scribbled angel
lemonpeels x2

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/T7a19h1S5Bk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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180g (4' x 3' x 2')
1 - yellow tang
1 - tomini tang
1 - foxface rabbit fish
2 - talbot damselfish
1 - Tomato clown (My first fish, currently in a 50g anemone tank attached to the system, not in main display)
I think my fish are in a good quantity considering the size of the tank (and the laziness of my water change schedule). If I go larger I think I would get more smaller fish, not so much larger ones. Schools of tangs while impressive just don't hit me in the same way as a bunch of smaller fish.

o2manyfish: Wow that's only 400 gallons? It looks orders of magnitude larger than my 180. That or those tangs are small :D
300 gallon DT, 120 gallon refug, 38.6 gallon sump

2 Spotbreast Angels (male & female)
3 Bartlett's Anthias (1 male, 2 females)
1 Swissgaurd Basslet
1 Golden Midas Blenny
3 Yellow Pyramid Butterflies
3 Bangaii Cardinals
5 Blue Green Reef Chromis
2 Ocellaris Clowns (bonded pair)
2 Helfrichi's Firefish (bonded pair)
1 Orchid Dottyback
2 Green Mandarins (bonded pair)
1 Dracula Goby
1 Blue Dot Jawfsih
1 Blue Tang
2 Hawaiian Flame Fairy Wrasse (male & female)