what Pump do I Buy a MAG 12 or Quiet one 5000?

never had a mag 12 but have had other mags and they are fantastic the flow you get out of those things is great. as for the quiet 1 had one on my first tank it worked ok but if i had to pick beetween both id go with the mag quality is quality. on my current tank i had a reeflo dart on it its super quiet you barely hear it but flow sucks great for recirculation if you use a dart has to be on a closed loop. if you really want a great pump IWAKI IWAKI IWAKI jap version they are a little noisy but youll have a pump forever. thats what i have now an md 100 so powerfull had to turn it down by half it has so much flow!!!!
my first choice was the quiet one. I had to replace it twice. after the 2nd time I got a mag 18 and it has been running fine for over 8 months.