What Salt do YOU use?

I have been using Oceanic for two years now and have NEVER dosed calcium. I always get off the chart calcium readings in the high 400's everytime(using Salifert tests). Does anyone know of a drawback to this???
When I did my own saltwater for my 46 gal i used IO, but now for my 10 gal i buy premixed. Normally i get RedSea, but my other LFS uses Tropic Marin so right now my tank is a mix of red sea and Tropic Marin :D
I have been using Oceanic for over a year now. It mixes very easy and completely, and the calcium levels are great. My alk levels are abysmal though. I am thinking of adding a teaspoon of baking soda a day to offset this, or mixing the salt with another brand. The baking soda sounds easiest, but I'm nervous about it because I haven't done it before. I have coraline everywhere, so for those with no coraline, Oceanic may be the way to go. :fish2:
OceanSpray, that's what I was afraid of, alk levels being too low.
LPSFanatic338, thanks for that bump, may not of gotten oceansprays response if you hadn't :D

Anyone else wanna contribute on salt use and experiences?? :)
