What should I be dosing...

It keeps the calcium and alkalinity rock steady. I started out 5 years ago dosing by hand but after just a few stony corals it got to be a real chore constantly testing, dosing, testing etc. It did not take long to fall in love with the reactor! It makes it nice to have things automated and not have to worry about going away for a few days. Family and friends never seem to get it right when you are away.
in my opinion the reactor makes you lazy... or it would me anyways, i think that the manual addition of supplements should be done first to get the experiance, know how and to fully understand what everything does....

think about this.... you have a reactor from day one..... been setup for 3 years... tank full of beautiful sps corals. then the reactor takes a crap... you dont have the money to go buy a new reactor until the end of the month which is still 30 days away....
what do you do? if you had practiced the manual addition of supplements from the begining you would be ok.... if not you would be trying to get it all straightened out and "experimenting " with what your tank is going to need for the next 30 days....

again this is just my opinion and it is what i am going to live by... educate yourself first and do the leg work now in the begining and then make it easier down the road