what should i feed my ricordea ?


New member
I brought a very nice blue\green ricordea mushroom today to my 50g tank, ill post some pictures in a while...
I wonder if i should\can feed it directly? i give this tank newly hatched brine shrimp daily, is it enough? or should i direct feed my ricordea and my other mushrooms?
depending on the size of the ric it will eat those fine...if not cyclopeeze gets gobled up..just dont add alot

here are some pictures of my first ric:



I broght it about 7 hours ago so i think it still stressed out...
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Very nice. If it settles in ok it should love the hatched brine. I turn off power heads about same time each day to feed. Seems many of the critters open up to feed when water stills now.

Good luck.
Mine eats Ocean Nutrition Formula One marine pellets (small). I just put a few down into a clear rigid tube and let them drop directly on the ricordia. It starts curling up and stuffs the pellets in its mouth.

This takes several minutes though and about 80% of the time my clown or flame hawk grabs the pellets just as the ricordia is about to finally get the food into it's mouth. It's a hold your breath situation.

I guess it eats enough though because I recently noticed that it has reproduced, and now there is a baby ricordia on the rock!
I can't say for sure that my ricordea reproduced because of the feeding.

I do think that it is fair to say that healthy animals are more likely to reproduce, and that feeding contributes to its health.

In my experience, fastest reproduction to slowest:
Regular mushrooms > Ricordea florida > Ricordea yuma.