What size tank for two dwarf angelfish?

75 gallon minimum. I kept one in a 50 gallon tank before I knew better. It was fine for a year and a half, then went rouge and quickly killed 3 tank mates before I could catch it. They really get aggressive when stuck into too small a tank.
75 gallon minimum. I kept one in a 50 gallon tank before I knew better. It was fine for a year and a half, then went rouge and quickly killed 3 tank mates before I could catch it. They really get aggressive when stuck into too small a tank.

I agree.
Interesting. I thought it was pretty much a no go regardless of tank size. I passed up a really nice bicolor the other day because I thought I would have issues with my coral beauty in my 6' 125gal.
Interesting. I thought it was pretty much a no go regardless of tank size. I passed up a really nice bicolor the other day because I thought I would have issues with my coral beauty in my 6' 125gal.

Guess I shouldn't have tried it. I'm currently trying to rehome my coral beauty because my new flame angel is beating the crap out of him.
no you are not alone. I have always tried and still continuing to try 2 dwarfs in my 120. I have tried all combos of dwarfs and no luck. I have noticed when a 2 dwarfs are together they become super aggressive even with other tankmates. Just my experience.
I'm trying hard to think if I've ever been able to keep 2 pygmies together in a tank and I don't think so. I think you'd have to put them in at the same time to get your best chances. But even in a 150 with a ton of rock, I could not add a flame angel without an Eibli (which are supposed to be on the docile end of the spectrum) would not let it sit still for more than 2 seconds. I think you'd have to have the patience of Job to get them to tolerate one another. But after you get past that phase of "I'm going to kill you sucka" then I think it would be pretty cool.

On the flip side, if you have more than 2 (like 3-5) then maybe aggression becomes dispersed to the point that they don't really hurt each other. Again, I think you'd have to add them at the same time... or in very close succession.
In my 65 gallon, I added a small flame back first, then a slightly larger lemon peel about a month later. Different oceans,no aggression there. Another month later I added a even larger Coral beauty.
That was the one nobody said I could do. There was less than 5 minutes of confrontation between her and the lemon peel and then everybody got a long fine. Last addition was about a year and a half ago and there is no aggression whatsoever.
I may have spoken too soon. The flame seems decidedly less intent on murder today. He's actually allowing the coral beauty out of its hidey-hole. Instead of super intense chasing and biting on sight 100% of the time, he's just half-heartedly chasing him off his favorite rock. If the CB would just stop trespassing, I think they'd be fine.
Prior to the tank crash we had a flame angel and a coral beauty that did fine together. The Atlantic pygmy turned out to be the jerk.

If you were talking a multiple year expectation I would say there are no softy/lps coral safe angelfish.

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If there is room for 2 or 3 angels, why would anyone want three different species? I would put three Flame angels (or Flameback, or Fireball, or Cherub or... ...)
IMO, having breeding unit and have them spawned in our tank is most rewarding aspect of reef keeping.
Three flame Angels was a total fail.
On a personal level I would like to be able to enjoy as many different beautiful colorful varieties as possible within reason in a single tank.

That was how we went from attempting three Flame angels to a flame, a coral beauty and then removing an Atlantic pygmy.
The Atlantic pygmy had little dog syndrome bad.

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I'm hoping to be lucky enough to find a bonded pair, Like the pair of Lemonpeels I saw at a LFS earlier this year, Too bad the tank wasn't ready then.
These angels you need to avoid adding two male together or you will get WWIII.
Either research and select a male and one or two females or else add juveniles.

You likely added two males together. It is easy to tell male from female Flame angels.
I couldn't get a CB and Flame to get along in a 150G with over 250 lbs. of rocks. Made me very wary of ever trying to mix dwarf Angels again.