What skimmer?


New member
Hello Reefers,

I am setting up a 20 gallon tank and was wondering what skimmer you would all recommend. I plan to have some soft corals and maybe a goby for a fish.
Option 1-AquaC Remora
Option 2-Cpr Bak-Pac 2r
Option 3-Red Sea Prizm Protein Skimmer
Option 4-SeaClone 100

i have a bak pac on my 55, wish i had a remora...
i've got two friends who are having a "reef-off" competition with side-by-side 20-longs, they are overkilling big time with remoras, but the results are fabulous.
I agree with Paul, I'm really impressed by the new coralife skimmers, a coralife superskimmer is about $100 and can be a hang-on.
stock remora or a modded out coralife super skimmer will give you the best results. There is no such thing as overskimming (within reason). A remora or CSS won't overskim a small tank. They're fine from like 10-65 gallons.

I used a remora pro (rated for 65-100g) on my 24g nano cube for a few weeks, and it got great thick skimmate. it was just too damn big, so I sold it.
I hated my prism, had to adjust constantly.
I then got a cpr backpack, strike two! Sounds like a rock crusher
even after changing to rio pump, and even w/ mods all I get is green tea.
I have been hearing good things about the remora
Maybe a modded SeaClone or Remora. I have now seen a few backpacks in action and none seem to be that great. If you dont plan on modding the SeaClone, don't purchase it! Out of the box its a pain and will give you green water unless you really mess with it. Once the mods are done, the thing is awesome. Good luck with whatever you get.
Get a sump if you can and get the deltech if you can afford it. Next would be a Euroreef, ASM. If none of these are an option wait for the new Remora Nano coming out or the Tunze Nano coming out in 2 weeks.


I have a ASM G-1 on a 20 gallon system and while it is great it is extremely loud!!!
I dont know much about the other brands, BUT STAY AWAY FROM THE CPR BAC PAC'S!!!!!!! They are complete garbage. I had one for 8 months and it was a nightmare. I had to adjust and clean that thing 2 times a day at least. In all fairness, i will say that it did do a decent job of skimming, but was not near worth the effort and hassle i put into it. Find something more "hands off." I've heard good things about the romora.
ive got the corallife 125 and it seems to be working great on my 75g, i would say get a CSS 65 for a 20g tank and i think it will work good.

I got mine from drfostersmith.com

HTH, Mike
whoa, way too much negativity towards the bak-pac!
getting my bac-pak to purr is way too easy. i have a maxi-jet 1200, and i adjust it to generate the highest volume of the finest bubbles possible. i have to tweak it about twice a month, that's it! the collection container is a breeze to clean, i just run it through hot water in the sink, and push a cleaning pad through it. easy as cake! microbubbles are only a problem if it is not set up correctly. it really does it's job well. i think people that say the skimmers don't work are probably all thumbs when it comes to attention to mechanical detail.