What Style "Reefer" Are You?


New member
Everyone in this hobby has their own unique flare in their tanks that make it stand out as their own contained ecosystem. Some people are all about automation, some people trust only themselves to keep things functioning, some like a couple large fish, while others like swarms of various small fish, with 1-2 larger fish as showpieces. Some folks love refugiums, some say they're a waste of time and space. Some stick with the standard set of fishes - yellow tang, pair of clowns, school of anthias and then that one lone chromis that killed off the rest of his kind back in the early days. While others like to push the envelope when it comes to what fish they can get to peacefully coexist and thrive in their selected community of organisms. So I wanted you all to put down some of the classic "earmarks" of your tanks, some of the tricks you use, some of the fish you always keep, some the habits that make your routine unique. For me, I love small fish - basslets, jawfish, blennies, gobies, dragonets etc. I'm also a strong proponent of attempting to keep fish in pairs (when possible), as I believe it *does* in fact improve their overall health, and the way I look at it, if I were locked in a glass rectangle for the rest of my life, I would hope my captor would at least have the decency to provide me a girl I can occupy my time with ;) I think it's up to me as their caretaker to provide them with as close to what they would have in nature as possible, and that includes a mate (this doesn't always work, but hey, at least I gave it a shot). I also like adding various macro algae in the DT and allowing them to grow until they are inevitably eaten by my urchins, but Ive got a refugium loaded with the stuff and it's nice to give the urchins a natural feast every so often. If you ever go diving or watch a documentary on coral reefs, you will see broken bottles and other discarded human garbage encrusted with various algae and tunicates, while sometimes even providing a home for a cute pair of gobies or other small fish, so I like to collect old glass bottles, sterilize them and then add them to my tank where they eventually become just another part of the reef structure. Some people will point out the algae I allow to grow on the edges of my tank, as if that is something I need to take care or as if it is a reflexion of my poor husbandry. Personally, I have always liked that sort of "messy" look to a tank, as I feel it makes the tank look more mature, more stable, as if it really is just a slice of ocean I stuck in my living room. Not to mention the pods and various worms that proliferate in the presence of this algae, which not only provides a natural food source to fish that venture close to the glass for a bite, but it's also just fascinating to watch all the little critters scurry around on the surface of the glass. Bottom line for me is this - I like things to be as natural and self sustaining as possible. Low tech, using natural means of nutrient export where possible, and allowing things in my tank to develop and grow where they'd like (I try not to put my hands in the tank too often). Some algae, bottles-turned-fish shelter, good quality live rock/sand, multiple small feedings throughout the day, large refugium, shells scattered around etc. This hobby is loaded with variety, so tell me guys, what are some of your signature reef-keeping habits/routines etc.