Cool, and just do a full water change once in a while until the PO4 stops rising?
But back to the OP, how's the progress?
Negative, you do waterchanges once in a while until detritus stops majorly accumulating.
I just went thru this in my 10g tank. I'll explain what I saw. This process is doable with livestock, lights and the whole shebang, but it will take a lil longer.
In my case the tank was setup in July, I always had one fish, brittle star OR shrimp (only one at a time, I never had 2 critters at once, the exception is my turbo snail, he has always been in there). so I was feeding the tank on a daily basis. Tank is also has no substrate. With just a 150gph nano powerhead. 5-3w cool white and 10-3w royal blue led's and around 7# of liverock.
In the beginning weeks it will be very light, you will see just some slight dust on the glass, fish poop is very noticeable, just like human poop only smaller.
As the weeks go on you will notice more and more fluff in between water changes. It really resembles cigarette ashes.
After a few months the stuff will really start piling up. It was amazing how much was there, and keep in mind I'm doing 50% waterchanges every week and a 100% waterchange once a month.
The last few weeks the fluff built up it equaled 2 full ash trays worth of fluff that I was removing during water changes.
Then one week I did my waterchange and just like magic it was back to producing very very little fluff each week. This is the point when the bacteria have cleaned the rock of most nutrients and the rock is very healthy.
The process took from July until December. So 5 months for about 7# of rock with a light bioload. If I didn't have anything in the tank then it would have been a shorter time because I would not have been putting food and nutrients into the tank.
It may take shorter or longer, it really depends on how much nutrients are trapped within the liverock.
Your not looking for a rise or drop of phosphates in the water column because the phos will be bound within the 'fluff', which is actually dead bacteria, bacteria poop and some other stuff. Leave this stuff in the tank too long and it will rot and break down releasing the phos and nutrients back into the water column to be bound up within the live rock again.