What to feed linkias?


New member
One always reads, "starfish slowly starve to death the moment they are introduced into the aquarium."

Q1: Does everyone, (anyone?) believe this is true?

Q2: What can I feed them?

Q3: How can I feed them?

I've had one for about 1 year, and it's always looked pretty healthy, but now I observe it's looking a bit ragged and I think smaller than it used to be.

Not an expert on the matter but, have heard from several people that they eat algee from inside your tank and off of your liverock. I heard that they live longer in tanks that have been running for quite a while because of the large build up of algee. But i have also heard that no one really knows for sure what they eat. I have friends who have been in the hobby for years and they have been keeping linkias successfully for 5 plus years. i heard from my local fish store owner which i do all of my business and has a great rep. that it's all about the shipping of linkias. If they are shipped right to the LFS then you have greater success with them. Starmanron- chances are that your star will make it, since he's lasted this long in your tank. Hope you have success, but not sure about spot feeding them. Good Luck
Lpabsolute is right about most not making it through shipping. if you do get one to live through the first few months it should last a long time. linkia do get pretty big and can eat alot of film algae. a 29 gal probably doesnt have enough algae to feed a fully grown star. If you think its getting too big for the tank. Take it to the lfs and trade it for a smaller one. only thing is that u r risking trading for one that hasbeen acclimated wrong.
I have heard of that rumor. And I agree that many of these stars ships poorly and often times move on soon after their arrival. As of diet, many people who can keep a large amount of snails or urchin still can't keep them alive, which make people doubt if they actually eat algae. Some people keep 2 or 3 cucumbers but cannot keep a lynkia alive, which means not a detritus eater right? Thus some people say that lynkia, like many others in it's family, need a large amount of sponges of variu or certain species to sustain.... the conclusion is I don't know and I wouldn't risk getting/killing one until I have a definate answer.