Whats in your fuge?


Active member
as the title states, im curious what everyone has in their sump/refugium.. Do you use live rock, cheato, any sand? etc. etc Reasoning behind it?
Live rock and my skimmer. No refugium but my overflow does grow algae in it. I have LR in my sump for a couple reasons. Brent from Beyond the reef told me that in low/no light different organisms will grow and give you better biodiversity. I do seem to have sponges growing there that do not grow in the main tank. Also, it gives pods a predator free place to grow and breed.
I have a 40 breeder packed with chaeto and some weird red puffy algae that showed up on it's own. No sand or rock so I can siphon out the bottom as crap builds up.
Thanks joe,

i also have alot of live rock with a huge mass of cheato, i threw leftover sand from my DT in there , its only abut 1-2" so im thinking of yanking it all out and vaccumming it good snce i dont think there is any real benefit to that small amount of sand, besides the point no light gets to it since my cheato mass covers everything...
In my "frag tank", I have some coarse sand and a lot of rock. I put the sand in so any mushrooms or softies had something to grab onto if they detached. I'm thinking about pulling that to keep that tank cleaner, too.
I run chaeto,LR and 3" of sand. I have a low flow area set up for the fuge run by a maxi 600 with hose running over the wall and trickling back to return. I have the chaeto for nutrient export along with live rock and sand for the same and for pods. Lit by a 5500k par 38 led spotlight. I do clean the refugium monthly by blowing off the rocks and stirring up detritus that I suck off the sand and water column. Have the normal CUC in fuge.. Also have LR in the other two chambers of my sump mainly larger pieces as to not store a lot of detritus between the rubble.
20 long sump sectioned off for protein skimmer, DSB w/ mangrove forest, then return pump. Nothing special but it seems to keep my tank clean!
wow i'm not the only one that has mangrooves in my sump,i have a custom built sumpthat's 2ft x 4 ft and after the baffles there a 18in long peice of glass that runs to about 6 inches from the return and it's about 6 inches from the back wall that creates a nice refuguim inside my sump there's about 3 inches of sand back there 2 or 3 mangrooves and macroalgae. and the other 18x18 section i grow frags lit with 1 led light fixture and of course before the 1st baffle is where i run gfo carbon and filter socks
I Have about a dozen types of macro algeas, a frag rack with a few corals, A few anemones, a few Fish and lots Rubble in my 20L sump. With T5's lighting it.

Also have a powerade bottle with the bottom cut off and filter floss where the cap goes to catch bubbles so theirs no salt creep.


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Looks pretty consistent for the most part.

I went ahead and siphoned all the sand out of my sump so now im only running live rock and alot of cheato, ill update this thread if i notice anything with my tank or levels..I really gave my sump a good cleaning looks brand new so that was exciting, and i plan to keep it that way..
I'll jump in here late...

My sump is actually a 100g tub so I run a full DSB in there -- that way if it ever has an issue I can change the DSB without touching the DT. I also have a LOT of live rock because my main display is 3-side viewable (both long sides) and only 24" wide so I can't stack a whole lot of rock because I have no "back wall". I like the RDSB and remote LR--it makes the tank look cleaner. I also used to run Cheato in the sump but I had a hard time growing it properly so I took it out...eventually I plan on adding a small 10g to it to only hold cheato in a way I can make it roll because I've read its good to keep it tumbling.

Right now my tank has been really neglected because I don't have the time for it...but thankfully the corals and fish are happy.
I have a 100 gl farm tub sump in basement below my 180 gl tank where I run heaters, Octopus skimmer, phosban, with 60 lbs LR and from which I do water changes. Lots of sponges in there, no light. I have a separate 20 gl refugium with chaeto and other macroalgaes and small sand bed which takes water from main tank output and through fuge into sump. I have a hanging floodlight over this on a timer. Lots of mysis in there.