whats snails do you guys use?


Active member
I am wondering what snails the majority of the SPS owners own.

Everytime I get turbo snails they either knock off my smaller SPS frags that I have glued in because they just bulldose them over or theyll fall and get stuck upside down. Which then sometimes when I go to right side them up, I knock more corals off and its not a good thing.

I am just wondering if there is a trend that most SPS owners use smaller snails or what most of you use just for the casual cleanup crew.
Banded trochus and Florida Olive Nerite snails I can harvest locally. They are a brackish water snail, I use them in both my reef and planted fresh water tank. Acclimate them slowly in a bucket. Do very well.

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Different snails do eat different things.

I like a mixture and right now I have trochus, turbos, nerites, astrea and ceriths.

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I have a variety, but I find my most useful are Banded Trochus and Turbos. Turbos are indeed a pain, but they get the job done better than any other snail. Sometimes they'll knock over a frag that hasn't encrusted yet, but once encrusted they do just fine.

Recently our Trochus had babies and my kids are really loving searching for the various sized snails around the tank including some only about the size of a pin head.
I have a balance of turbo, astrea, nerite, cerith, and nassarius. They can all be a pain if having glued corals recently. I've definitely lost a couple SPS after one got knocked down and fell into a torch or bubble coral. Just another thing to keep an eye on until the SPS encrust
Lots but Blackfoot and Mexican turbos. The Mexican turbos keep the rocks very clesm of many pest algaes like red turf.
Don't the nerite's climb out?

What, you don't train your snails? :lmao:
Before I had a screen top, I would have to look every morning and take a head count for my nerites. But after a while, they learn their new home.

I keep nerites, astraea, trochus (which have given me a few offspring), turbos (only a couple), nassarius, ceriths, dwarf ceriths, strombus and a few micro species from IPSF. I've always kept trochus, which I find to be one of the best all-around snails, that and they make new ones.
yes the absolutely can/will... I find them on the carpet or outside of the tank quite frequently.. I just put them right back..

They either figure out their boundaries or dry up on the wall somewhere -_-

Banded Trochus, Large Cerith, Nassarius, A Turbo or two.. A lil goes a long way with these Turbo and Trochus. Turbo especially.
What sucks, is a lot of the turbos I get do get flipped over and many times it happens where I cannot see or reach. This usually leads to a slow death and spike in phosphates. Its hard to do a headcount since they hide during the day a lot.