whats your Favorite trigger


New member
Well from my last post i gathered that eveyone hates undulated triggers so i was thinking what kind of triggers do you guys like.
My all time fav although i have never kep one is the queen trigger.
one day i hope i will hjave a tank large enough to house oine of those big guys.
i have an undulated and i love it. it is housed with a bursa trigger. tomorrow i plan to move them to a 60g uniquarium. i originally had the bursa in with my humu and clown trigger in my 80g, but the humu did not like the bursa and brutally attacked it. the colors on it are so magnificent i cant just give it away, and the undulated seems to like it.

but anyways, i think the best looking trigger may be an undulated or starry, but the best personality is IMO a humu.
I've never owned a trigger but if I had to pick my favorite one, it would be the crosshatch. Just look at it :)
my favorites are crosshatch, and sargassums.

My fav are the Clown, Blue Line and the Black Duregon. I think people don't hate the undulated it's just that it's an aggressive trigger that will attack everything in the tank which most people don't like having a tank with just 1 fish in it.
I have a big Niger,Hummu and now a 4" female Undulated. Previously the Blue-Lined was my fav but now it's my female Undy. Unlike the behavior most describe of these guys mine is the exact opposite. She's more active then my hummu,always in the open, and is hand feeding since day 1. She's living in solitaire as the teeth she has I would not trust her. And I think our big Niger would probably kill her as he's extremely aggressive to any new intros. Once hes done harassing a new intro almost to death he leaves them alone and all is well. we haven't put any new fish in with the current group in quite some time so if anybody else went in I don't think they'd last more than an hour. He's a jerk.
I think Picasso, Clowns, and blue lines are my fav, but queens and nigers are absolutely gorgeous as well.
If i had to pick one, IÃ"šÃ‚´d say clowns.
BTW, those triggs on the pics are very nice! IÃ"šÃ‚´ve never seen them before.


I vote for sargassum.

The male the president of Aqua C owns and is in the Marine Depot catalog is fan-tab-u-las!
Hey marrone my selection exactly had all three in a 750
bought a remora for the shark, attached to the durgeon freaked him out found him on the floor next day
My favorite trigger is the bursa. It's the only one I've owned but I love his coloring. His has a good personality. As with all triggers, he'll bite my hand over and over if i just keep it at the top of the tank. Quite amusing!
I like the Undy's, Clowns, Queens, Sagassum, Crosshatch, and Picasso's. But my fav is probably the Queen.
