When to harvest caulerpa?


Premium Member
My refugium has Mexicana, Prolifera, and Racemosa Caulerpa and I'm not sure when I should actually start harvesting it? Should I wait till the refugium is completely full? Also, when I do start removing it, is there anything that I should be forewarned of?

I would not wait until your refugium is totally full before starting to harvest Caulerpa. Do it before it goes sexual {turns white.} IMO, I'd seriously consider replacing Caulerpa with Chaetomorpha, and eliminate the possibility of a sexual event.
yup, it you wait till it's full, the algae on the bottom
doesn't receive light & can start the chain reaction.
i'd keep the fuge floor semi full & harvest anything
that heads up into the water.

or like gary said, make the switch ;)
Thanks! I'll start removing some today. Does Chaetomorpha have the same water filtration properties as Caulerpa? Would you still follow RickReefs advice for harvesting?