Where are the mini season pics?

We got our limits by 8am off Tavernier. Still a lot out there. I think there was only one I the whole bunch that we actually needed to measure
Usually it take my family about 4 hours to catch out limit starting at midnight which is usually around 60 but this year we caught our limit in less than an hour. The weather was perfect and the water was clear
Marvin, myself and a buddy of mine ended up with 14 off the beach yesterday. Got a late start but we did okay.

I am still sore LOL I had a great time. We need to go again before I forget what it's like to dive.
You just reminded me I need to drill my fancy tickle stick and throw a ring or something on there.

You just reminded me I need to drill my fancy tickle stick and throw a ring or something on there.

Is it an aluminum one? If so you may wanna try making a handle for it out of a broom stick. That's what I do with all of mine. I also paint it red, that way if you drop it the handle floats a bit so it's easy to spot.
I enjoy catching them, so I catch them and give them to friends and family that do like them but don't dive. I usually catch them while hunting hogfish

Dude, I would LOVE if you had a few spare bugs to throw my way when the regular season opens! I don't dive, and yes I am addicted to Florida lobster (much better than northern IMO). Let me know how much and I will be happy to pay....

Nothing in the world better than grilled Florida lobster tail. My mouth is watering just thinking about it....
Dude, I would LOVE if you had a few spare bugs to throw my way when the regular season opens! I don't dive, and yes I am addicted to Florida lobster (much better than northern IMO). Let me know how much and I will be happy to pay....

Nothing in the world better than grilled Florida lobster tail. My mouth is watering just thinking about it....

I can give you some, no cost. Just for further reference they are about 15 bucks per pound and about 2 tails in a pound.:bounce1:
Those are some very odd looking Lobsters. I wanted to ask why you ripped off all the claws, but I actually kept a Spiny Lobster in my tank for a while before I decided to add corals.
Those are some very odd looking Lobsters. I wanted to ask why you ripped off all the claws, but I actually kept a Spiny Lobster in my tank for a while before I decided to add corals.

Stop messing with our delicious crawfish :D

So did you eat em? Lol