Where to buy macro?


New member
I'm looking to get some macro for my tank, and am wondering where and what to buy? I have a 55 gallon tank, a few mangroves floating above (roots starting to grow into the rock). I've previously ordered from eBay, and gotten very small samples of cheato, ulva, and a few red algaes. I either left them free floating, or tried to plant them (they ended up floating a few days later). I have 2 clowns, 2 saltwater mollies, and an engineer goby. I also have a conch, quite a few snails, and hermits.

I've rearranged my rockwork to leave an open area on one end of the tank to put various macros. I've also got a much better light coming (old light broke, and am temporarily using a Walmart growlight).

Tank has been up for about a year at this point. No sump ATM (wife doesn't like the idea).

Wow it's been days of no one touching this thread. There's so many macro algae aficionados here I can't believe it's vacant.

Ebay is where I purchased a few, but really one of the best sites is:


they have a great selection. There are a few people here that sell on one of the selling forums if you're lucky enough to find it.

there's also:


it's also the off season for macros as alot of places have them out of stock (3 of the websites I post are in the gulf of mexico and i think they harvest out of there)

That looks like a beautiful set up for macros, you may need a bit of a stronger light for them to grow. My first ever macro set up failed mostly because of lighting.

You can do some caulerpa prolifera in there. It's a fast grower and looks great, only downside is that it can go "sexual" where it turns white and begins to release nutrients and nuke the tank. At that point just pull it out. It would look like this:

Dragons breath would look good on the rocks and grows at a good rate, so im told.

Hope it works out for you!
Thanks. I ended up order caulerpa, dragons breath, and some cheato from eBay. Any suggestions on where to put the chaeto in a display in order for it to do well?

I've got bright led lights (pointable canisters) on the ceiling of the room my tank is in, I could adjust those to spotlight the macro as well.
Thanks. I ended up order caulerpa, dragons breath, and some cheato from eBay. Any suggestions on where to put the chaeto in a display in order for it to do well?

I've got bright led lights (pointable canisters) on the ceiling of the room my tank is in, I could adjust those to spotlight the macro as well.

I can't answer about chaeto, mine is shoved between two pieces of rock right now and has grown just a bit. It's a good breeding ground for pods though since I see alot of activity from them.